3 Questions to Identify Self-Sabotage

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses.” ~ Hippocrates One way to take notice of your own self-sabotage is by becoming aware of physical pain.  Physical discomfort is caused by disharmony in the human mind; either…

Overcoming Resistance to Change, Eliminating Negative Emotions, Creating Focus and the Law of Attraction

Last week I posted a question: What is Your Most Burning Question? The feedback I received was phenomenal and these are by far the most interesting and challenging questions I have received.  Make sure to have a look if you are at all interested in the topics of overcoming resistance to change, eliminating negative emotions,…

9 Questions to Unlock Your Unique Ability

There are too many people in the world today doing crap they don’t enjoy.  I used to be one of those people. It was only through introspection and reflecting on past experiences that I started to get clearer on my own strengths and unique ability.  By quietly contemplating a variety of questions in my life…

You Must Know Two Things to Succeed

You’ve got to know where you are and where you’re going.  Your target helps you stay focused and gives you direction so you know where you’re going.  And that’s an important step as I’ve mentioned before in How to Stay Focused When You Feel Like Giving Up, but there is more to it than that. …

The Unconscious Mind Power Series 3

This the last of three videos on unconscious mind power. In this video you’ll learn about going theta and when is the best time of day to do it. If you haven’t already, make sure to go back and watch the first two videos, The Unconscious Mind Power Series 1 and The Unconscious Mind Power…