Personal Growth Series: 3 of 5

Let’s skip a few years and get to my more recent experience.  In 2005 I officially started my personal growth journey and later in 2006 I participated in the Landmark Forum.  At the time I was completely frustrated with my career and needed a change.  I changed alright, but it didn’t happen the way I…

Personal Growth Series: 2 of 5

This is the second in the series on my personal growth journey.  I’ll share more on mindset and some empowering beliefs I used when I was younger as a hockey player.  These beliefs were the foundation to a lot of my earlier success in hockey and other sports. Now I didn’t play hockey professionally, it…

Personal Growth Series: 1 of 5

This series of articles tells my story.  I’ll share with you some of my earlier experiences, my failures, my wins and how I got started with personal growth.  I’ll share with you what worked and what didn’t work and the lessons I learned along the way. 1977, Born in Sudbury I grew up in Sudbury,…

11 Ways You Create Your Own Recession

The media seems to be hypnotized with a recession (if that’s what you want to call it).  The media is just killing the minds of the masses and it’s gone too far. There have been many big ideas out there, except there is one problem.  The big ideas are in the wrong direction – the…

The Part You Play in Your Transformation

Are you willing to change? To change is to give a completely different form or appearance to; to transform. In the past year, I’ve seen some dramatic changes. I’ve started consulting part-time, I’ve started a new blog and I’ve begun life coaching. You see, I’m a big believer that if I want things to change…