WARNING: Don’t even think of Filling the Void Until You…

I remember working as an engineer.  I had just graduated from University, started working and thought, “this isn’t any fun,” because it wasn’t.  It was work. Not fun.  But I assumed that having a job and making money would make me happy. Boy, was I wrong. Even though I worked as an engineer for seven…

The #1 Reason You Procrastinate

Procrastination is a huge problem. There are so many books out there on the subject, but nobody (that I’ve seen) has clearly told you the truth about why you really procrastinate. Inside this free report you’ll find the #1 reason you procrastinate and how to stop procrastinating now. Are you feeling guilty for putting off…

The Best Way to Treat the Most Common Limiting Belief

One of the most common limiting beliefs is not a global belief about others or the world around us. It has nothing to do with what we think about how the world works or what other people think about us. It’s a belief about ourselves. It’s an idea that we held in our minds and…

3 Keys to Living a Purpose Driven Life

Living a purpose driven life is the last thing on your mind when you’re doing work that adds very little meaning to your life.  When I used to work as an engineer it used to make me feel tired. I remember working a normal 40 hour work week and feeling exhausted by the weekend. I…

The Key to Happiness

Happiness is an inside job.  We all know that, but sometimes our actions tell a different story. You just have to look at the way people act to see what they’re thinking. If you pay close attention to what brings many people happiness you’ll soon realize that it’s based on what’s happening in their outer…