Interview with Susan James – How to Quiet the Mind

Last night Susan James and I hosted a live Q&A call. Theme of the call was intention manifestation and quieting the mind. If you’re a little unusual like me, you’ll love it! Download MP3 [30 MB] Right click “save-as” Links to learn more about the Self Discovery Techniques: Self Discovery Sample Audio Contact Susan

Cheri Huber Living in Insight

I’ve been reading quite a few books from Cheri Huber lately.  Her work is mainly focused on meditation and being in the moment.  I’ve been meditating consistently since mid-2011 so it wasn’t a big jump for me to add the nuances that Cheri teaches in her books into my own daily practice. I found that…

How to Quiet the Mind

Learn how to quiet the mind.  I give a bit of background and then I share how to quiet the mind.  This exercise is so easy and so powerful, but you must do it daily to be effective.  Some of the benefits of quietening the mind include: Calms the mind and negative thoughts Easier to…

Suppress Your Feelings: Why Now?

In this post I’ll share my insights on why people suppress their negative feelings as a coping mechanism. What bothers me the most is when people tell me that they just need to be more positive. They need to think positive. “It really helps,” they say. What a load of CRAP. Do you really think…

Miracles of Healing

This is a bit of an unusual video for me.  Something miraculous happened last night and I just had to capture it in this video.  It has to do with a healing, using 2 affirmations and the powers of your mind.