6 Reasons Why You Are Not Doing More Productive Work

When being productive, it’s more about quality than it is quantity. Doing more productive work means trimming the fat and taking the actions that count the most. It means using the 80/20 rule.  The 80/20 rule says that 20% of your actions create 80% of your results. When I worked as a Consultant I dropped…

How to Develop Self Belief and The Magic of Believing

The magic of believing is a double edged sword.  You may have heard of people speaking about the importance of being hopeful and having faith in your dreams, to believe in the unseen. There is some truth in those statements, but ultimately you still have to “see it to believe it.” So how do you…

Are you looking to hire a coach?

These days you can pretty much find a coach anywhere. It’s a growing industry and more people seem to be stepping up to the plate to offer their experience and expertise. Just be aware of the coach you decide to work with. If you decide to hire a coach, here are 3 tips to help…

Cybernetic Transposition by Stuart Lichtman

Cybernetic Transposition is a series of processes created by Stuart Lichtman to help you achieve your goals with your unconscious mind. Cybernetic Transposition helps you take one success and build on that success in other areas of your life. Stuart Lichtman is a former engineering graduate of M.I.T.  In his early research and discoveries he…

Synchronicity of Power Training Available Today – Grab My Special Bonuses Now!

See the special bonus I’m offering to those people who join Monique Gallagher’s, Synchronicity of Power Training. Monique’s Training is a 16 week program that teaches you how to achieve your goals using your unconscious mind.  Monique does this by teaching her clients Cybernetic Transposition; a goal setting processes developed by Stuart Lichtman. Cybernetic Transposition…