White Water Rafting & National Life Appreciation Day

A bunch of friends and I went white water rafting on the Ottawa river on August 15, 2009. We took a huge tumble, which left a group of scattered lemmings with yellow hats struggling to reach shore (see the video below). The rapids were so severe that our guide said, “this was the biggest ride…

Love Your Job? If not, do this.

If you love your job, then you can skip this.  If you don’t, you won’t want to miss what I have to say. We tend to get into patterns of habit. These habits get reinforced in our ways of being, doing and having. If you’re not completely in love with what you do for your…

Breakthrough Self-Sabotage Podcast with Aryana Rollins

Listen in to an interview between myself and Aryana Rollins, Cybernetics Transposition Mastery Coach. Aryana has an interesting approach to the very complex science of Cybernetics Transposition created by Stuart Lichtman.   In this interview, Aryana shares some effective strategies that will help you gain insight as to what may be holding you back and…

3 Questions to Identify Self-Sabotage

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses.” ~ Hippocrates One way to take notice of your own self-sabotage is by becoming aware of physical pain.  Physical discomfort is caused by disharmony in the human mind; either…

6 Signs You’re Not Using the Law of Attraction

You’re always using the Law of Attraction, but not necessarily the way you want to – the way you would like.  And that’s what I mean by not using the law of attraction.  Instead of using the Law of Attraction, you’re using it’s polar opposite – the law of repulsion: you push away the good…