You’re always using the Law of Attraction, but not necessarily the way you want to – the way you would like. And that’s what I mean by not using the law of attraction. Instead of using the Law of Attraction, you’re using it’s polar opposite – the law of repulsion: you push away the good you desire.
Here are 6 Signs You’re Not Using the Law of Attraction:
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August 10, 2009good work, please keep it up
August 11, 2009Will do Garry – any thoughts on what areas you’d like to see covered?
Srinivas Rao
August 11, 2009Great video Steve. The most useful thing for me was “trying too hard.” It’s funny you mention this. I had been working hard on my job search (maybe too hard). So, I decided last week to say screw it and I spent like 6 hours a day at the beach surfing and I ended up getting two job interviews.
August 11, 2009Srini – that is brilliant!
And it makes perfect sense in an illogical way ;) Happy surfing,
August 11, 2009Great website!
Leszek Cyfer
September 3, 2009I also found trying too hard an interesting idea. Basically I found that the best way to achieve something fast is to work hard on it until I find that I’m stuck and not moving forward at all and then to completely switch the activity.
My favourite tactic is to read an encyclopaedia – simply read one entry after another, trying to really “get into” the subject – visualise it, understand its hidden meaning and so on. What never ceases to suprise me is that in 5 to 15 minutes I suddenly have the lightbulb experience – the “A-ha!” moment and know exactly what I should do.
Then I put the book away and get back to work – and what’s interesting it feels as if my energy has returned – I feel eager to act whereas those 15 minutes earlier I was completely weared out.
The additional profit is that I’ve learned sth. new reading the encyclopaedia :)
October 26, 2011How about never have a miracle?
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