Money and the Law of Attraction

Money and the Law of Attraction.  Using the Law of Attraction to create more cash in your life has got to be one of the most misunderstood concepts that came out of the movie The Secret.  I know it confused the heck out of me.  It took me quite a while to get a handle…

Your Mind Can Bend Reality (and I Can Prove It)

This little experiment will only take you less than 30 seconds and it will demonstrate to you how your mind can bend reality. This experiment came to me as an insight on my vacation in Alberta, Canada last September. Watch the video to get all the details and then leave your thoughts below. Also be…

The #1 Reason You Procrastinate

Procrastination is a huge problem. There are so many books out there on the subject, but nobody (that I’ve seen) has clearly told you the truth about why you really procrastinate. Inside this free report you’ll find the #1 reason you procrastinate and how to stop procrastinating now. Are you feeling guilty for putting off…

The Best Way to Treat the Most Common Limiting Belief

One of the most common limiting beliefs is not a global belief about others or the world around us. It has nothing to do with what we think about how the world works or what other people think about us. It’s a belief about ourselves. It’s an idea that we held in our minds and…

3 Limiting Beliefs that Restrict Your Ability to Manifest

I think one of the most difficult aspects of being a deliberate creator is to trust in the process of manifestation.  To allow it to happen and hold hopeful thoughts of joy and happiness while practicing the mind power techniques that I’ve shared on my blog. You become what you think about.  Strong lasting words…