Your Mind Can Bend Reality (and I Can Prove It)

This little experiment will only take you less than 30 seconds and it will demonstrate to you how your mind can bend reality. This experiment came to me as an insight on my vacation in Alberta, Canada last September. Watch the video to get all the details and then leave your thoughts below.

Also be sure to check out this FREE video to Attract Instant Miracles and Program Your Mind to Create Financial Abundance.


  • coleen012

    Reply Reply March 2, 2010

    [..YouTube..] Cool!

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply March 2, 2010

    [..YouTube..] Hi coleen012,

    Did you give it a shot?

  • Steve

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    Great video, I’m going to try it out. I believe it will work. I tried the “car parks” mentioned in “The Secret” and that works for me 90% of the time. For example, I used to work at a University, and the lot closest to my building was always full by 8am. 5 or 6 times I waited more than 20min., still nothing. I saw the secret, saw the part about the guy lining up “car parks” as he puts it & started visualizing. The last 3 months I work there, 70% of the time there was an empty stall or someone just pulling out, about 25% I would wait about 5 to 10 minutes. This works just about any where I go now. I try your jar opening and let you know. thxs for the video.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    Hey Steve,

    I’ve never thought of trying this with a parking lot – thanks for sharing,

  • lifeboost

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    [..YouTube..] Ironically, this kind of situation happened to me. I could not unlock my car door as the lock sticks from time to time. I tried to unlock it 10 of fifteen times without success. After i imagine what it would feel like once the door is open…sure enough, two more tries and the door was opened. Coincidence?

  • Yun

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    Right on. Like the word you choose: “bend reality.” very gentle. I’d say “mess up your reality to your disadvantage”. Like the video, I might use it for my class… Thanks.

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    [..YouTube..] no coincidences…. great story :)

  • miracleman91

    Reply Reply March 7, 2010

    [..YouTube..] haha every video of yours never ceases to amaze me :)

  • schumit7

    Reply Reply March 23, 2010

    [..YouTube..] if i want someone to come to me and speak to me( and not vice-versa), can i make it happen?

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply March 23, 2010

    [..YouTube..] @schumit7:

    ….that depends….. what I’m really curious about is why are you not approaching this other person?

  • Sk8McD

    Reply Reply April 22, 2010

    [..YouTube..] First of all, im SO glad that I stumbled upon your videos! I recently went through an intensive Gyrotonic training and I was inspired about the power of energy. I watched the secret over the weekend and I have been hooked!

    On tuesday, I was running on the treadmill at the gym and there was a window in front of me looking out to a moderately busy pathway between two streets. I decided to predict the shirt color, hair color, gender of the people that would walk by. It worked almost everytime!

    • TYoung

      Reply Reply March 15, 2018

      I did this once about 8 years ago with a gumball machine. I focused on the machine and though “red” as my partner turned the knob. Out came a red gumball, coincidence? I tried a similar test today at work. My team was playing a card game where I had 8 of them pick a card from the deck. My goal was to pick a card out of the deck that matched one of the eight of them. My team has 17 people, so long story short, as the game progressed to the final round of 8, in my mind I focused my thoughts on a specific person as I went to pull my card. I pulled a 9 from the deck and then I asked the 8 people who had a “9”. To my surprise, it worked! The person I was focusing on had the same number as what I drew! One other person also had the same number, but the probability of that happening is their, but was it just a coincidence that the person I focused on also had drawn a 9 from the deck? I don’t test this very often as my success rate is very low, but I haven’t really worked hard to develop this idea of bending reality. After today though, my interest had been renewed to keep trying!

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply April 24, 2010

    [..YouTube..] @Sk8McD:

    Awesome… thanks for your comment :)

  • britt521

    Reply Reply May 22, 2010

    [..YouTube..] does anybody else notice that weird ringin noise in the backround??

  • Brittany Lawrence

    Reply Reply May 22, 2010

    does anybody else notice that weird ringin noise in the backround??

    • Sam

      Reply Reply January 23, 2018

      I did….but so?

  • JxonDany

    Reply Reply September 3, 2010

    [..YouTube..] Good job steve. Ive been doing the same thing for quite some time now and especially for traffic and sometimes even getting into concerts that were sold out. It was as magical as putting my arm out and getting a free wristband slapped on it for free with no questions asked. We do create reality with our thoughts, and relaxation appears to the be key.

  • Dany Ong

    Reply Reply September 3, 2010

    Good job steve. Ive been doing the same thing for quite some time now and
    especially for traffic and sometimes even getting into concerts that were
    sold out. It was as magical as putting my arm out and getting a free
    wristband slapped on it for free with no questions asked. We do create
    reality with our thoughts, and relaxation appears to the be key.

  • smartandstupid37

    Reply Reply December 4, 2010

    [..YouTube..] this kind of stuff happens to me all the time! im considered a lucky person because i use this technique ALL the time ^.^

  • TheNobleBard

    Reply Reply December 10, 2010

    [..YouTube..] Cool video, but not what I was looking for. I was looking for a video on actually bending reality. I.E. turning off a lamp from across the room or spawning a Ferrari outside my house just by thinking about it.

    • Demetrick

      Reply Reply August 29, 2016

      That’s a high level of reality.

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply December 30, 2010

    [..YouTube..] @TheNobleBard: I haven’t figured out how to magically create a Ferrari out of thin air… BUT I will be sure to let you know how to do it as soon as my belief system catches up with my imagination :-)

  • TheNobleBard

    Reply Reply December 31, 2010

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile I’m sure whoever discovered that would be a very rich man. I did severely enjoy your video however and actually tested it. It actually worked! For those who know me know I have a terribly difficult time opening lockers. Well one day I was at work just trying to get home and my locker absolutely would not open for me. So I remembered your video and stood there for ten seconds and thought “Wouldn’t it be nice if this locker would open.” I tried it again and it popped open! Thanks!

  • luciddreeams

    Reply Reply January 11, 2011

    [..YouTube..] i like your shirt

  • jmstew3104

    Reply Reply February 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] wondering if this would be like considered something similar to a placebo. Although I think scientists have difficulty explaining the effectiveness of inert tablets or sham surgeries. Either way, this is difficult to explain through concrete methods.

  • TheHaloShotgun

    Reply Reply February 6, 2011

    [..YouTube..] WEIRD

  • MariaJose89

    Reply Reply April 6, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Nice video, I think there is a deeper purpose to bending reality. I personally define bending reality as using your inner energy,spirit or what ever you want to call it to change certain things in the external world. I’m not saying the ability to move cars with your mind or anything in that nature, but to change situations or people through your inner being. Some might be more sentive than others to perceive this, but my point is you can bring forth a change from within. Just an opinion :)

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply April 18, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @MariaJose89:

    Hey Maria – there is not a doubt that you or anyone else can. It just takes practice and becoming aware of this great connection between outer and inner worlds – and how we are always matching our outer world to our inner world…

  • abdulrehman6475

    Reply Reply May 20, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Hey Steve Thsi ketchup opening thing really works. Do you think i could use a somewhat similar technique to get better grades at uni?? (alongwith studies obviously)

  • Fishpigg

    Reply Reply May 22, 2011

    [..YouTube..] ok so whats with the high pitched sound ? you running some sorta sub- liminals on us ?

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply May 26, 2011

    [..YouTube..] you arnt bending reality, your changing you perspective. their is a difference

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply May 26, 2011

    you arnt bending reality, your changing you perspective. their is a

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666: It’s the same thing because your attention is what creates your reality…

  • Steve Martile

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    @deathtamer666: It’s the same thing because your attention is what creates
    your reality…

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile

    noun /rēˈalətē/ 
    realities, plural

    The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them

    your perception of reality is not reality. their is a difference.

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666:

    …”the world or state of things as they actually exist…”

    And how do you define the world or state as it exists? Based on who’s perspective?

    Someone must observe this objective Universe, but who?

    The world and state of things can only exist if that state is observed… and that observation can only exist by observing through your own beliefs, values and everything that you have ever been taught!

    In other words, your observation of reality is what creates your reality.

  • Steve Martile

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    @deathtamer666: …”the world or state of things as they actually exist…”
    And how do you define the world or state as it exists? Based on who’s
    perspective? Someone must observe this objective Universe, but who? The
    world and state of things can only exist if that state is observed… and
    that observation can only exist by observing through your own beliefs,
    values and everything that you have ever been taught! In other words, your
    observation of reality is what creates your reality.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile reality is generally regarded as collective perspective, not the perspective of a single individual. No one entity can observe what is around them and regard it truly as reality, unless this perspective is regarded as the same by many others.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply June 22, 2011

    @stephenmartile reality is generally regarded as collective perspective,
    not the perspective of a single individual. No one entity can observe what
    is around them and regard it truly as reality, unless this perspective is
    regarded as the same by many others.

  • sweeetly

    Reply Reply July 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Cool I do that in traffic. Also someone taught me how to open jars and such with chi.
    Great stuff! :)

  • sinoples

    Reply Reply July 23, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Huuum, is already married ! Such attractive character ! Who invented monogamy?@?

  • MrGatward

    Reply Reply August 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Double slit experiment, look it up. Or maybe Einsteins special relativity, Schrodinger’s cat, entanglement, Heisenberg s uncertainty principle, whatever floats your boat.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @MrGatward After a some research i have found that none of the examples actually make any current topic (save for the Schrodinger’s cat topic and that only vaguely has to do with it). Are you sure that you replied to the correct person? If so then please state what your point is.

  • Gary190tube

    Reply Reply August 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] So you’re saying “your mind can shape the future” by accepting that it will happen.

    After the 4-minute mile was broken, it went from “it might not be possible” to “it’s entirely achievable”. Suddenly everyone was doing the 4-minute mile.

    You’re making it possible to open the jar because you’ve already seen it happen in your mind. The doubt has gone.

    (If you need to figure out something hard, pretend you ALREADY KNOW the answer but you simply forgot it. Try to “recall” the answer.)

  • eyealphaomega

    Reply Reply August 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] It’s Called Zen.

  • MegaGiggityman

    Reply Reply August 12, 2011

    [..YouTube..] your perception is your reality and vise versa

  • MrGatward

    Reply Reply August 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Pretty much that idealism is reality and that r perception of reality is in fact reality

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @MrGatward eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 17, 2011

    …what could be more interesting and fun than creating your own reality?

  • thethirdq

    Reply Reply August 25, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Awesome video! Please keep me posted…

  • younggunner90

    Reply Reply September 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] your delusional

  • itsmedontusee

    Reply Reply September 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @younggunner90 lol

  • itsmedontusee

    Reply Reply September 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @younggunner90 Dude don’t use this type of proof! People will think you are crazy which doesn’t matter btw but in a sense that they get away with it. I like to argue so amazingly that people who called me delusional have to make themselves delusional or believe me. and they always make themselves delusional hahahas shiiit! People are not stupid btw they are just sheep and blind! lol hahah

  • itsmedontusee

    Reply Reply September 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the comment was for stephen but i wanted you to read just see how delusional you can make yourself.lolhahaha

  • greenthumbguy1

    Reply Reply September 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Perception is not reality, and you didn’t “bend” reality, merely shifted your perspective.

  • greenthumbguy1

    Reply Reply September 4, 2011

    Perception is not reality, and you didn’t “bend” reality, merely shifted
    your perspective.

  • ChewedandPolluted

    Reply Reply September 11, 2011

    [..YouTube..] 2:20 is my fave cuz you get real excited when you think of pickles,lol, awesome.
    what would the ketchup taste like? what would the mustard taste like? what ever it is, the jar ah PICKLES!….
    For real though I really did enjoy this video, thanks a bunch.


    Reply Reply September 14, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Huh. So for someone to perceive the world makes it reality, changing our minds can bend reality…

  • HDzTroll

    Reply Reply September 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] troll physics much

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply September 30, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @greenthumbguy1

    And how can you know reality if it isnt through your perspective? Based on what can you know reality? All your senses are electromagnetic interpretation your brain sends. And by the way double slit experiment did prove that observation can change reality, the difference is that it can do so when it is in a wavefunction (possibility) not in a collapsed or objective state.

    If you could revert the objective reality into its wavefunction form you could re-write it.

  • lightbrownpoop

    Reply Reply October 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile that’s why so many people are sick, miserable and unsuccessful. their perception of reality confirms their programmed negative beliefs during childhood.

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply October 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @lightbrownpoop: Absolutely

  • stephenmartile

    Reply Reply October 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @lightbrownpoop: Absolutely

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it.

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it.

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it.

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it.

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it. 

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply October 16, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @stephenmartile
    you seem like a reasonable guy who welcomes a difference in opinion, so i’m just ganna jump right in =)
    I agree with deathamer, you’re experience reality through your perspective, by changing your perspective you change how you experience reality but not reality itself. traffic gets smoother because you waited not because your mind changed it.

    imagine all the starving kids in africa, all they ever think about is food but they don’t recieve what their minds are willing.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho
    Maybe that food in a not (yet) available “collapsed wavefunction”? (see XehanortNobody his post below yours)
    Maybe it works only when it is a realistic option like with affirmations?
    Just my thought.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho
    Maybe that food in a not (yet) available “collapsed wavefunction”? (see XehanortNobody his post below yours)
    Maybe it works only when it is a realistic option like with affirmations?
    Just my thought.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho
    Maybe that food in a not (yet) available “collapsed wavefunction”? (see XehanortNobody his post below yours)
    Maybe it works only when it is a realistic option like with affirmations?
    Just my thought.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho
    Maybe that food in a not (yet) available “collapsed wavefunction”? (see XehanortNobody his post below yours)
    Maybe it works only when it is a realistic option like with affirmations?
    Just my thought.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho
    Maybe that food in a not (yet) available “collapsed wavefunction”? (see XehanortNobody his post below yours)
    Maybe it works only when it is a realistic option like with affirmations?
    Just my thought.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    waves interact with objects by contact, release energy and absorb energy that pertains information
    brainwaves is strictly limited inside the mind.
    at most it acts within a perpendicular dimension to the physical world

    if you ever taken physics, not even the hard kind, just mere physics you’ll understand
    it takes energy to cause motions which will “make things happen”
    the property the brainwaves is created biologically and received inside the mind.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    that’s a good analysis but brain waves do not travel outside of the body
    nor can it travel like radio waves.

    let’s assume you’re a singularity,
    within your body, your “waves” receives no constructive nor de-constructive interference.
    and you think to yourself, “grow taller, grow bigger, grow smarter”
    the reality is…you don’t
    you’ll still look UP and still cannot overpower those who are bigger than you.
    Actions and motions are needed to bring about change

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    Still look at doube split experiment, obvervation actually in the wavefunction level cause matter to behave differently, the cause behind it is irrelevant for the topic.

    In wavefunction the subjetive can actually define the objective. See double slit experiment, apparently there are 2 states. Wavefunction and particle. The problem is that we live in a particle state. If you could revert the universe to wavefunction and then meassure it properly you could change it.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    We know the method of how to collapse a wavefunction into a particle, it has been done albeit in a VERY small scale in labs. But we dont know the method to revert the particle to a wavefunction of possibilities.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] two problems.
    first even if know how, what’s said in the video is not yet possible. not even close to a practical level
    he’s convinced by his own fantasy
    2nd, I am not sure what you said is true but even if you are, you’re talking about quantum particles.
    waves that travels among the physical dimension and interact with certain machinery.

    brainwaves are pulses detected within the brain, does not bring forth direct realistic motions or changes other than the person’s behavior.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] I am not per se defending the video. My point is that it is indeed possible to affect objective reality with consiosuness. If the reason for this are brainwaves, the consiosuness chosing one possibility over the others or whatever it doesnt change the fact that it can. It has been done in labs.

    Again the issue is the difference between particle state and wavefunction state. I think you misunderstood what wavefunction is, let me try to explain to you.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction. 

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] at the quantum level a electron, when it hit the wall the electron didnt appeared at 1 place but at all possible places it could appear from being shot in that situation. This is the “wavefunction” which means a state of the universe that is POSSIBLE, meaning not yet defined. When they tried to observe why the electron did that, it only appeared at 1 place.

    The problem is that the the macro level of the universe is set already in a defined state, not in a wavefunction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If we were able to switch from wavefunction to “defined” and viceversa, you would indeed be able to manipulate “reality”. My point is not to say the video guy is right but to point that it is indeed possible to affect reality without physical interaction.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] lol, I know what wave functions are. but what you said does not explain how consciousness of the mind can effect reality.
    the “possible” you described first need to change the universe entirely to one governed by waves.
    that means abandoning or changing of laws of physics, re- engineer the world.
    at this point you might as well call upon the force of magic and such. No the way our world works.
    the only way a mind can bring forth change is through the action of the thinker.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] radio receivers or machinery can detect waves that are traveling within space,
    say a robot that receives the signal via electro-magnetic waves will begin to move and behavior
    if that’s what you’re arguing then yes, waves CAN move physical objects.
    the same applies electric and gravitational forces. (then there’s the whole Einstien’s space & time curvature thing which says there’s no gravity attraction but let’s not get into that)
    let’s just say we both agree on that.

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @XehanortNobody
    oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it
    didn’t see your other comment when i replied.
    = p

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    @XehanortNobody oh and you don’t agree with the video. yeah I got it didn’t
    see your other comment when i replied. = p

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • XehanortNobody

    Reply Reply November 1, 2011

    [..YouTube..] I agree with some parts of the video and disagree with others.

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    What about nonlocality?

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    What about nonlocality?

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    What about nonlocality?

  • jeroenhaan

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @superdahoho

    What about nonlocality?

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @jeroenhaan
    yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • superdahoho

    Reply Reply November 2, 2011

    [..YouTube..] yeah we already established that
    electromagnetic and gravitational forces work as waves (besides the space curvature)
    but brain waves still do not alter-reality like he claimed in this video

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • mythmanjay

    Reply Reply November 7, 2011

    [..YouTube..] In other words, let reality be the way you want it; ‘however it actually is’ being its defiance against you?

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • boogafart

    Reply Reply November 15, 2011

    [..YouTube..] this video could have been cut down to 1 minute if he cut a lot of the crap

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • angelroth4992

    Reply Reply December 4, 2011

    [..YouTube..] the thing is that so many times Ive tried to visualize and believe that i can change something in my life or that some specific situation will happen but it always ends up going differently

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 5, 2011

    [..YouTube..] so if I imagine myself flying above the clouds and towards the sunset then shooting a kamehameha while am at it, will that happen?

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 5, 2011

    [..YouTube..] so if I imagine myself flying above the clouds and towards the sunset then shooting a kamehameha while am at it, will that happen?

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 5, 2011

    [..YouTube..] so if I imagine myself flying above the clouds and towards the sunset then shooting a kamehameha while am at it, will that happen?

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 5, 2011

    [..YouTube..] so if I imagine myself flying above the clouds and towards the sunset then shooting a kamehameha while am at it, will that happen?

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 5, 2011

    [..YouTube..] so if I imagine myself flying above the clouds and towards the sunset then shooting a kamehameha while am at it, will that happen?

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    Without your perception there is no reality. What reality is to a schizophrenic person is not reality to you. Everybody has a different reality. You would not exist in my world if I had never read this comment and responded to it.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @ObviouslyRandomUser If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • xFuBaRxSkilLz

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    If you believe it strongly enough it might happen in your reality, but other people might not see it and classify you as sick, or assign you one of the many disorders.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    I shall reiterate this: “eh, i would bother posting my counter argument to that but i am getting tired of this meaningless bickering and wish to continue with better and more interesting topics.”

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] @xFuBaRxSkilLz I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ObviouslyRandomUser

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    [..YouTube..] I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ماجد القاسم

    Reply Reply December 8, 2011

    I was joking. people classify this as humor. xD

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it.

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it.

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it.

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it. 

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it.

  • ImABeastAndIPwnU

    Reply Reply December 9, 2011

    Your changing how you are thinking of the task, that is all, not reality. As Charlie Sheen said “Can’t is the cancer of happen,” all you are doing is thinking past the problem not at it.

  • kinnexsus

    Reply Reply December 30, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Shit bro I was like nawww your wrong then I tried it with a jar and was like what the fuck it worked

    Cool bro

  • kinnexsus

    Reply Reply December 30, 2011

    [..YouTube..] Guys I think that by thinking of having the object makes your brain desire it so releases muscular energy to do whatever it can to, (get the jar open) and it that affect it only feels easier because your are distracted of the effort by your surprise to see your own sucsess

  • GGPvideos

    Reply Reply January 11, 2012

    [..YouTube..] @kinnexsus You’re correct. Strength is a function of the nervous system, not muscles. By letting go, you open your neurological pathways to allow more energy to easily flow through them, hence, the power to open the jar.

  • GGPvideos

    Reply Reply January 11, 2012

    @kinnexsus You’re correct. Strength is a function of the nervous system, not muscles. By letting go, you open your neurological pathways to allow more energy to easily flow through them, hence, the power to open the jar.

  • GGPvideos

    Reply Reply January 11, 2012

    [..YouTube..] @ImABeastAndIPwnU What the fuck is reality but the way you think? The problem isn’t reality, it’s the way you’re perceiving your own thought. So technically you are right to say that you’re thinking “past” the problem, because it’s all in your head anyway. When you want to hit a target you don’t throw at it, you throw THROUGH it.

  • GGPvideos

    Reply Reply January 11, 2012

    [..YouTube..] What the fuck is reality but the way you think? The problem isn’t reality, it’s the way you’re perceiving your own thought. So technically you are right to say that you’re thinking “past” the problem, because it’s all in your head anyway. When you want to hit a target you don’t throw at it, you throw THROUGH it.

  • GGPvideos

    Reply Reply January 11, 2012

    What the fuck is reality but the way you think? The problem isn’t reality, it’s the way you’re perceiving your own thought. So technically you are right to say that you’re thinking “past” the problem, because it’s all in your head anyway. When you want to hit a target you don’t throw at it, you throw THROUGH it.

  • bvgatti

    Reply Reply January 23, 2012

    [..YouTube..] i think ,there is no such thing as reality like there is no such thing as time.
    if mamal brain is capable of imagening,dreaming and choosing ,why not thoughts ideas or any form of illusions or halucinations froms are unconscious realms. thoughts in a mind of someone or something ,in there own dream of if we exist only due 2 elctro magnetic impulse of some kind a reaction in the mind of this manifested universe .a ride in a dream, experiencing the moment of our awarness as life beings

  • bvgatti

    Reply Reply January 23, 2012

    [..YouTube..] i think ,there is no such thing as reality like there is no such thing as time.
    if mamal brain is capable of imagening,dreaming and choosing ,why not thoughts ideas or any form of illusions or halucinations froms are unconscious realms. thoughts in a mind of someone or something ,in there own dream of if we exist only due 2 elctro magnetic impulse of some kind a reaction in the mind of this manifested universe .a ride in a dream, experiencing the moment of our awarness as life beings

  • bvgatti

    Reply Reply January 23, 2012

    i think ,there is no such thing as reality like there is no such thing as time.
    if mamal brain is capable of imagening,dreaming and choosing ,why not thoughts ideas or any form of illusions or halucinations froms are unconscious realms. thoughts in a mind of someone or something ,in there own dream of if we exist only due 2 elctro magnetic impulse of some kind a reaction in the mind of this manifested universe .a ride in a dream, experiencing the moment of our awarness as life beings

  • bazbakhtyarmuhammed

    Reply Reply January 24, 2012

    [..YouTube..] reality is a state of mind..

  • bazbakhtyarmuhammed

    Reply Reply January 24, 2012

    [..YouTube..] reality is a state of mind..

  • bazbakhtyarmuhammed

    Reply Reply January 24, 2012

    reality is a state of mind..

  • andypmz07

    Reply Reply February 17, 2012

    [..YouTube..] @deathtamer666 your perception is reality.

  • andypmz07

    Reply Reply February 17, 2012

    [..YouTube..] your perception is reality.

  • andypmz07

    Reply Reply February 17, 2012

    your perception is reality.

  • VBProfessional22

    Reply Reply March 5, 2012

    [..YouTube..] 1:12 you looked p to the right…. Does this say anything to you?

  • VBProfessional22

    Reply Reply March 5, 2012

    1:12 you looked p to the right…. Does this say anything to you?

  • delicrux

    Reply Reply April 3, 2012

    [..YouTube..] i’ve done this with traffic lights when i don’t want to stop and they just changed ill have to get it on camera some day good video.

    if every thing is made of energy and thought is energy as well then thought can effect and be effected by energy therefor stay positive and will your own success.

  • delicrux

    Reply Reply April 3, 2012

    i’ve done this with traffic lights when i don’t want to stop and they just changed ill have to get it on camera some day good video.

    if every thing is made of energy and thought is energy as well then thought can effect and be effected by energy therefor stay positive and will your own success.

  • [..YouTube..] actually you are shifting to parallel realities. Everything already exits

  • edwardthomasbennett1

    Reply Reply April 5, 2012

    actually you are shifting to parallel realities. Everything already exits

  • PeteyPobz93

    Reply Reply April 8, 2012

    [..YouTube..] each person creates their own reality. to say each person experiences reality differently would be a false statement.

  • PeteyPobz93

    Reply Reply April 8, 2012

    each person creates their own reality. to say each person experiences reality differently would be a false statement.

  • Another great video.

  • n0morehate

    Reply Reply April 19, 2012

    [..YouTube..] hello fellow Canadian,, please leave my country, idiots don’t belong here

  • n0morehate

    Reply Reply April 19, 2012

    hello fellow Canadian,, please leave my country, idiots don’t belong here

  • Sweetbarbiegirl7

    Reply Reply April 22, 2012

    [..YouTube..] Been listening to him for the past 2 minutes and I i heard was hot sauce:D He is soo cute:)

  • Sweetbarbiegirl7

    Reply Reply April 22, 2012

    Been listening to him for the past 2 minutes and I i heard was hot sauce:D He is soo cute:)

  • FeelingFreshSon

    Reply Reply April 28, 2012

    [..YouTube..] I get what your saying but it’s still not “reality”. It’s not “noumena”.
    “the world and state of things can exist if that state is observed”
    That’s an idealistic position. And nobody has to observe the objective universe, that’s why it’s objective. I believe these to be purely intellectual abstractions though. Mostly word games really. Point is, different strokes for different folks.

  • theelaw1

    Reply Reply May 8, 2012

    [..YouTube..] this guy talks shit

  • Nicholas Law

    Reply Reply May 8, 2012

    this guy talks shit

  • speedcoregewalt

    Reply Reply May 8, 2012

    [..YouTube..] “Your Mind Can Bend Reality (And I Can Prove It)” lol Hallucinations FTW

  • speedcoregewalt

    Reply Reply May 8, 2012

    “Your Mind Can Bend Reality (And I Can Prove It)” lol Hallucinations FTW

  • ninjanoobkingkong

    Reply Reply June 15, 2012

    It’s faster to run the hot sauce under hot water.

  • Ignacio Magana

    Reply Reply June 27, 2012

    There is no logic and/or rigor in any of your abstract arguments. Therefore your proof is ambiguous and probably wrong.

  • spareaxe

    Reply Reply July 18, 2012

    it is a lot of non truth dude… fake!!

  • WakeUpInDaMorning1

    Reply Reply August 14, 2012

    Jump off a building and do a belly flop on the concrete floor without getting harmed and then we’ll talk reality bending. FYI, unlike “reality bending”, reality hacking is RAEL! It’s based on chemicals. Watch the movie “limitless”, and then you’ll REALLY see! NZT 2.0 exist in real life. It’s more of a study aid than a nootropic though. Nootropics are NOT the same as cognitive enhancers. Cognitive enhancers are toxic and hurt long term while nootropics are safe and safely increases memory and IQ!

  • barkape

    Reply Reply September 7, 2012

    and who says the world can only exist if is observed? so u think u dont exist when ur asleep? makes a lot of sense. just just the fuck up and stop making videos

  • Jay Dee

    Reply Reply September 19, 2012

    If you watch Gregg Braden’s Science of Miracles, he explains, in scientific terms, what this video is talking about.

  • rutra1996

    Reply Reply October 8, 2012

    Oh my god, it is proved! Now nobody can tell that this doesn’t work and when a coincidence happen you notice and tell the story, from now nobody will tell me that this is only a scam and the people who say that don’t know anything about science and just want to sell their products. By now, it is proved!!The next step is to accept the james randi’ s challenge and prove it scientifically winning a million dollars!! Lets go people, lets change the world!

  • shobyms

    Reply Reply October 15, 2012

    I went to a club and imagined that I kissed the gorgeous in the corner and then asked her to dance with me. Guess what? …….0-0!

  • Quantumcola69

    Reply Reply November 29, 2012

    In my opinion. This could only work for the morphing of situations pertaining to one’s own ability.
    If you invision yourself in an experience normally generated by your own aptitude to bring it about through your own actions, the positive effect is undeniable.
    It causes the brain to fufill what it believes has already been done, which in turn inspires confidence and a sense of mental commitment to fall in line with the percieved reality.
    Of course, this doesn’t mean you can perform the absolu

  • James Harper

    Reply Reply December 30, 2012

    Fuckin idiot !!! LMFAO for Eva!

  • KingAdonisDNA

    Reply Reply January 4, 2013

    Anedotal bullshit. You don’t prove anything in this video, all you do is provide a great example for confrimnation bias.

  • bigj42088

    Reply Reply January 10, 2013

    What’s with the sound in the back round

  • AzzABla

    Reply Reply January 15, 2013

    achally steve, the object or “reality” is altered upon observation, meaning everything everybody has ever witnessed is infact unrealistic to “realities” true nature. what we perceive is but our limited sensory organs best interpretation of “reality”. furthermore reality in and of itself is flawed outside of collective consciousness. 2 observers viewing the same event will still see it from different angles, and even tho reality will never be shared on this plain, theyre still valid reality ^.^

  • Amanda West

    Reply Reply January 22, 2013

    When I was younger and participated in sports. I noticed that when I visualized myself making plays, that they actually played out like I had imagined. I saw a documentary the other night about the science of sleep, and it touched on a similar topic. They proved that Non-REM sleep is where your brain plays over the days events and tries to predict better outcomes. In a sleep study, when awoken in nonREM the dreamer would perform better on a test that they failed prior to going sleeping.

  • Dentchi

    Reply Reply February 5, 2013

    lmao full of bullshit

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 1: Hmm, to me reality is the acceptance of your perspective. As for proving your reality to somebody else. This is tricky, since we all see colors differently, some are blind, deaf, etc. Well I drew out a little model in a few minutes today in class and i think i figured out how you can either have a.) Have the same exact observation of something. Or b.) see someones perspective of reality.

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 1: Hmm, to me reality is the acceptance of your perspective. As for proving your reality to somebody else. This is tricky, since we all see colors differently, some are blind, deaf, etc. Well I drew out a little model in a few minutes today in class and i think i figured out how you can either have a.) Have the same exact observation of something. Or b.) see someones perspective of reality.

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 2: What I am talking about is the theory of shared dreaming. Now there are thousands of claims of shared dreaming, and I have actually had 2 in my life. The important one was with my best friend. His walls in his bedroom look green to me in waking life but in the dream, they were a blue color. What I am saying is that if we can enter someone elses dream, we can in fact see their perception of reality. Since our subconcious fills our dreams with observations of waking life.

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 2: What I am talking about is the theory of shared dreaming. Now there are thousands of claims of shared dreaming, and I have actually had 2 in my life. The important one was with my best friend. His walls in his bedroom look green to me in waking life but in the dream, they were a blue color. What I am saying is that if we can enter someone elses dream, we can in fact see their perception of reality. Since our subconcious fills our dreams with observations of waking life.

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 3: Another theory is, when we dream, we actually go to a place called the dreamscape. Which is one big blanket of shared dream space that our subconcious navigates us through at night. If we could all go to the same exact spot in the dreamscape, the colors would all be experienced the same since the dreamscape is filling the colors and you’re not perceiving them through an eye. With this being said, the only way we can prove reality is through something we have all viewed as a falsehood.

  • IRONnugget09

    Reply Reply February 6, 2013

    PART 3: Another theory is, when we dream, we actually go to a place called the dreamscape. Which is one big blanket of shared dream space that our subconcious navigates us through at night. If we could all go to the same exact spot in the dreamscape, the colors would all be experienced the same since the dreamscape is filling the colors and you’re not perceiving them through an eye. With this being said, the only way we can prove reality is through something we have all viewed as a falsehood.

  • Raj Mitra

    Reply Reply February 26, 2013

    subscribed :)

  • Wes Hughes

    Reply Reply May 6, 2013

    I don’t believe people who use photons…jk no i do believe in the mind realty distortion field

  • johnny102marvin

    Reply Reply May 14, 2013

    You are right. One should practice using their mind everyday even on simple things like opening a jar. I do it at the gym when I am lifting heavy weights. You can do it anywhere, and everywhere, just use your imagination on how to use this power and you will come up with some really interesting interventions.

  • Ratna Baniya

    Reply Reply May 21, 2013

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  • BigCupcakeify

    Reply Reply May 31, 2013

    im a woman… I HATE YOU NOW

  • VipMss

    Reply Reply June 23, 2013

    Our Lord JESUS CHRIST is the Light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Follow JESUS CHRIST and you will be saved !

  • Chan Chau

    Reply Reply July 31, 2013

    That cent % true… for me it takes 3 min. to clear traffic.. but it totally depends on feelings, if u r negative inside then u’ll get opposite result.. I think visualization is best technique to bend reality instantly through will power.

  • Ben CLB

    Reply Reply August 1, 2013

    totally agree!!! everyone should read the biology of belief, i the do the same thing on my way to work so i dont hit as many red lights, when i was doing hot yoga on a regular basis i found it alot easier as well

  • Rain M

    Reply Reply August 8, 2013

    God already said this in the Bible- read the book of mark (Mark 11) and other things are said over and over like: as a man thinks so is he!

  • Rain M

    Reply Reply August 8, 2013

    God already said this in the Bible- read the book of mark (Mark 11) and other things are said over and over like: as a man thinks so is he!

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    God, relax!

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    *aren’t *there. Instead of death-taming you should be dictionary-taming! BURN!

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    Number 1: I posted that 2 years ago, I don’t particularly care about my shitty grammar and spelling back then.
    Number 2: You failed to point out how I used “their” instead of “There”, how I failed to end my statement with a period, and my lack of capitalization. If you’re going point out one error, do it all, or don’t do it.
    Number 3: It takes away from your “burn” when you actually say the word “burn”.

    In short, try harder next time.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    I did point out you used “their” instead of “there”. I actually missed out on using the correction of “you’re” and “your” instead of “your” and “you”.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    Oh sorry about the “their” “there” thing, I must have misread that.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    You can tame death? Judging by the 666 you are either a conformist goth or a very immature “satanist”. Real satanists don’t have 666 in their names, they hide it better, they leave no trace. Also why be a satanist when you can be a Luciferian? Might as well go all the way and achieve actual power…

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 18, 2013

    Actually, funny thing there, I came up with the username when i was 8 or 9 or something like that. It was born mostly from my rudimentary knowledge of christian beliefs and Diablo 2’s Necromancer, which i had found out was Latin for deathtamer. Lame, I know, but it stuck. As for my religious beliefs, I am an Atheist.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    Alright then..

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    I still maintain that after all these years that the Necromancer is the best character for single player.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    I play Skyrim. Some people play as necromancers in Skyrim though.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    Eh, to me Skyrim Necromancers are HORRIBLY under powered, even with conjuration at 100. I always saw more appeal in using that conjuration skill to summon the sword and the bow and just practice my stealth skill over raising the dead or even conjuring atronachs. Though admittedly that likely stems from my preferred play-style, almost all of my run-throughs, save for my most recent one which is a sword-and-board style, became stealth-centric.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    I never get my conjuration skill that high. Usually I get my conjuration skill high enough to conjure a flame-atronarch, and then use either dual wield destruction spells, or rather use a weapon and cast a destruction spell with my left hand and use a mace with my right hand.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    If you’re going to use a mace, I suggest you use conjure sword instead, to my knowledge it actually more damaging than daedric sword if your conjuration is high enough. Though at that level you might as well get Molag Bal’s mace and get the Black star. You’ll never have to worry about close-combat again.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    I have Molag Bal’s mace. I also have the black star. It’s a funny cycle. Kill with mace. Power star. Refuel mace. Rinse and repeat.

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    It’s a tad bit overpowered in my opinion, though it works well enough. Probably the only set of Daedric artifacts that are actually worthwhile though, as far as weapons go. The sanguine rose is of dubious usefulness, though that is likely due to my playstyle, the wabbajack is more novel than anything else, Volendrung would be a valuable 2 handed weapon if it had soultrap, the Skull of corruption is genuinely quite useful depending on playstyle, and mehrunes’ razor has far too lower a kill chance

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    WTF. Aren’t you like 11?

  • deathtamer666

    Reply Reply August 19, 2013

    …No. No I am not. What gave you that impression?

  • Joe411

    Reply Reply August 21, 2013

    comment 300! (i love being easily amused lol) Keep up the great work Steve – I can attest that visualization work on a long term basis but im looking forward to trying it on a short term basis like u advise.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 21, 2013

    Excellent Joe! Go get’em!

  • Samantha Duran

    Reply Reply August 23, 2013

    If you love ur mom then post this to 20 people, this girl ignored it and her mom died 365 days later

  • chank thai

    Reply Reply August 29, 2013

    why no one talk about the noise impulses wich is pretty loud,did not prove anything at all

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    Get into that feeling but might I make a note at this point. Without hardship our lives would be very short. When your feeling good time goes by much quicker. So the next time you find yourself in a predicament. Try to manifest a feeling of gratitude. You have this precious moment in pain, embarrassment or just confusion. I know that sounds like a silly thing to do . But it does make the hardship go away.

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    I certainly didn’t mean to comment that many times it said it wouldn’t go threw?

  • George Grund

    Reply Reply September 16, 2013

    I certainly didn’t mean to comment that many times it said it wouldn’t go threw?

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply September 26, 2013

    What girl? You suck.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply September 26, 2013

    What girl? You suck.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply September 26, 2013

    What girl? You suck.

  • Fat Cat

    Reply Reply September 26, 2013

    What girl? You bitch.

  • Elaine Reid

    Reply Reply October 1, 2013

    is it reality, or is it what one perceive as reality in any given moment.

  • Steve Martile

    Reply Reply October 1, 2013

    @ Elaine… it’s BOTH. Your perceptions change and then so does your reality. WHY? Because your attention is what creates your reality :-)

  • TheThunderXD

    Reply Reply October 31, 2013

    So is this for like small things or big things? Or both.

  • DistortedFaiths

    Reply Reply November 2, 2013

    How does our mind actually “bend” reality? Does it bend it as much as it tries to replicate it but does not replicate it as vivid as if it were for the event to actually occur? In the moment that our mind experiences the event does it still continue to “bend” reality? Our mind is still active in circumstances when we are tasting the hot sauce. Our mind isn’t exclusively active when we imagined tasting the hot sauce.

  • Flowing

    Reply Reply November 17, 2013

    I proved this works several times last week by consciously removing traffic jams in the DC area and opening up parking spaces!!!

  • Gary Lumsden

    Reply Reply December 28, 2013

    Shit. I’m considerably jealous of my brother these days. He has actually
    been alone endlessly. However, he managed to get a part-time model to
    reveal to him she is head over heels in love with him in under a month. How
    can that be even possible? He informed me he obtained the Cupid Love System
    (Google it!) I wish someone beautiful fell for me… I’ve never witnessed him
    so happy. Kinda makes me frustrated.

  • Ryan Cartwright

    Reply Reply January 4, 2014

    Like does this change our realty? It reality itself? With this if I changed
    it so say my car Is red instead of green. Do other people see it as green
    still? And does it change the object physically it Is it like so our brains
    see it a different color?

  • Alberto Camacho

    Reply Reply January 27, 2014

    Your OWN reality is not THE REALITY ¬¬
    land a litlle bit or you will end suiciding

  • Marc Hubs (Sparkster)

    Reply Reply January 24, 2016

    @Ryan Cartwright
    No, it’s not just that your brain sees it a different color, it goes much deeper than that. Reality is a manifestation of your/our inner consciousness. If you perceive and expect your car to be green with your inner consciousness and do it with absolute faith, desire, trust and emotion and absolutely crystallize it and believe it and “ask the universe” to make it happen, your car won’t just magically turn green. Something will happen to make it green. Someone might offer you a respray or you might get offered a green car instead. Something will happen in your life to leave you with a green car and if you’ve manifested it well enough, it’ll happen whether you like it or not because it was a result of your own thoughts.


    Reply Reply September 6, 2017

    I did this experiment with a big jar of mayonaise which I could not open. After the excercise I opened the lid as it was open already (I am only 36 kg of weight)

    It was a miracle. Thank you for ahring your wisdom

  • Rodney Barbati

    Reply Reply May 18, 2019

    Another way that this ability probably manifests is via group consiousness – meaning that as a group, all humans combined are actively steering our reality here on earth.

    In the US, it appears that the general public is pretty certain that something bad is coming. I wonder if it is their thoughts are the source of the coming badness. As an example, most christians believe the end times are coming – are they creating the end times due to their belief system.

    What would happen if all of us, worldwide, believed that the future was a better place than what exists now?

  • Chitranjan

    Reply Reply September 29, 2019


    I’ll try this for getting better job with higher salary. also to generate some alternate source of income.

    Will let you know if succeed.


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