Cybernetic Transposition by Stuart Lichtman

Cybernetic Transposition is a series of processes created by Stuart Lichtman to help you achieve your goals with your unconscious mind. Cybernetic Transposition helps you take one success and build on that success in other areas of your life.

Stuart Lichtman is a former engineering graduate of M.I.T.  In his early research and discoveries he came across what he now refers to as Cybernetic Transposition.  Personally I’ve never met Stuart, but I have exchanged a few emails with him.

Cybernetic Transposition

Here is Stuart’s definition of Cybernetic Transposition (CT):

“Putting yourself consciously in charge by creating effective communication between your unconscious and conscious minds, by consciously transposing successes from any part of your life into other ones where you consciously want to produce success, resolving self-defeating unconscious habit patterns to ones that support you and by creating effective conscious communication with the part of you that knows what’s right for you.”

CT is a 3-Step Process for whole-brain harmonizing.  Here is an overview of the 3-Step Process:

  1. Create a Target
  2. Prioritize Your Target
  3. Resolve any Unconscious Habit Patterns

Stuart teaches two versions of the CT processes: the Basic and Super Achievement.  Each version follows the same 3 step process, except for a few differences.

The first difference is that the super achievement process uses explicit visualization so that you maintain a sustained focus.  This is something that Wallace Wattles emphasized when he said:

“…fix your attention upon your mental picture of riches – to the exclusion of all that may tend to dim or obscure your vision.”

In a sense Wattles is saying to focus on one mental picture so that you eliminate all other distractions.  You do this by visualizing and working with your unconscious mind.

The second biggest difference is that the super achievement process helps you change self-defeating habit patterns into self-supportive ones.  He does this with his Base Reframing and Super Achievement Clearing Processes.

Stuart Lichtman’s Basic vs Super Achievement Process

After working with the Basic and Super Achievement Processes I can tell you from direct experience that the biggest difference I’ve noticed is the level of difficulty in achieving your goal.  One process works with moderate goals and the other process works with almost impossible goals.

Let me explain.

Let’s say you want to set a financial goal for your business next month.  Your best month to date has been $1,000.  You decide to set a goal to earn $2,500 by the end of next month, 30 days from now.

If that goal feels almost impossible to you then you would rate this at a level 10 in difficulty – think of it as climbing Mount Everest, extremely difficult.  On the other hand if you found this goal to be something you could do very easily, then you would rate it much lower, say at a level 1.  Either way you choose a rating based on how difficult you feel this goal would be to achieve.

Once you know what level of difficulty your goal is to achieve, you then choose the process that works best for that level. For example, if you rated your goal at a level 5 in difficulty then you would follow the basic achievement process. And if you rated your goal at a level 10 then you would use the super achievement process.

Why have two processes for different levels of difficulty?

Think of it this way.  If you set a goal that is closer to a level 10 in difficulty (a Mount Everest type of goal) then you’re more likely to encounter greater “blockers” and self-limiting beliefs.  On the other hand if you set a goal that is a level 5 or less in difficulty, you’ll have fewer self-limiting beliefs and blockers show up to prevent you from achieving that goal.

The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Cybernetic Transposition

Most people won’t read an entire post this length (779 words).  It gets too long for them and they get distracted, just as they do with their goals.  If you’re still with me, consider yourself in the minority.  It’s true!

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from the CT processes is that success doesn’t come in giant leaps; it comes from building a track record of past successes: one step at a time.  These past successes provide a platform to spring forward and achieve greater results.

Follow any proven process and watch how these seemingly small steps taken on a weekly basis come across as huge achievements over a few months.

To learn more about the Cybernetic Transposition process see: How to Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast This is my review of Stuarts book.

Have you bought Stuart’s book and tried the processes? What did you think?


  • Dave Witwicki

    Reply Reply August 29, 2009

    The biggest lesson you mention is one I’m currently trying to learn myself. It’s hard to be patient and put in the time/effort to achieve those little successes even when you know they’ll lead to bigger ones.

    It’s good to hear that Lichtman’s CT process can work. I’ve recently starting working with the process and I think it’s helping but I haven’t put in enough time/effort to be sure. You’ve helped provide inspiration to continue with the process. Thanks!

  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 31, 2009

    Hi David,

    Yes, it’s true – they work! The only problem I’ve had with the book is that his processes, initially take a lot of effort and time – but the upside is that you can use these processes over and over again once you’ve mastered them.

    I guess it’s like any skill, you’re learning how to use your unconscious mind (and for most of us) that doesn’t come naturally at first.

  • Robyn

    Reply Reply August 31, 2009

    I have no doubt that the process works, but, like others I get distracted. When I visualize it’s obvious (to me) that something is not right – I can’t see a picture. Through research I’ve discovered that my brain is lacking certain amino acids and is “mis-firing’ and messing up my concentration, ability to stay positive, balance/coordination, happiness, and ability to stay asleep at night. I only mention this here because I know I’m not the only person to be affected this way. Now… all that being the case I STILL have had some success with this technique! So don’t give up or get discouraged! Maybe you need some brain food in the way of amino acids! Maybe this is caused by that ‘other’ acid I tried many years ago =:-O

  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 31, 2009

    Hi Robyn,

    I guarantee you’re not the only person to be affected in this way as I can see from the poll I posted a few weeks back.

    If you haven’t already, make sure to set some time aside for Monique’s regular teleseminar series: Taking the Brakes Off

  • Leszek Cyfer

    Reply Reply September 26, 2009

    I found the rewriting process very compelling – simply edit your own experience into a perfect one until it is irresistible. That’s what clicked for me. Before that I was experimenting with writing affirmations and responses to them, but Stuart gave me a better platform for that.

    The visualisation part pushed me off, mostly because of my laziness :P I might reconsider it though…

    As for problems with visualisation, they may be caused by different sets of dominant sensory inputs of a person. Some of us are mostly visual, some perceive world mostly by touch, smell, sound or kinesthetic sensations.

    Once on a meditation lesson I’ve found that I could not visualise a meadow on an edge of forest, but at the moment the instruction was to touch the trunk of a tree I _really_ felt it’s texture under my fingertips – and immediately I also saw the tree – complete with swaying corona above me. I reasoned that the same will happen when I’ll touch the grass – I did it and then I saw the grass and the entire meadow – complete with flowers and butterflies.

    That was a great discovery for me and since then I always enter touch into every visualisation I do – preferably at the beginning – to jumpstart the experience. It worked without fault for me, every time.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply September 26, 2009

    Hi Leszek,

    That’s a great insight Leszek. Most people don’t realize that the internal process the use is an important part of creating clarity. You just unlocked your strategy – which was the term Richard Bandler used when he developed NLP.

    So you touch or feel something (kinesthetic) before you ever see it (visual).

    Great job,

  • Tim Scott

    Reply Reply February 19, 2010


    Inspirations are a must for the cybernetic transposition process to succeed. Articles like yours are truly useful for those who are trying to implement cybernetic transposition.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 20, 2010

    Hey Tim,

    My pleasure :-)

  • Hikmat

    Reply Reply January 15, 2013

    Hi! I just have a question about the Super Achivment Target Process in chapter nine. Do i have to do the process every day?

  • Njenga

    Reply Reply September 10, 2013

    Hi Hikmat

    Super Achievement process is basically

    1 setting an Objective
    2 Prioritising it
    3 Troubleshooting (removal of blockers/unconcious habit patterns)

    The target Process is a one off thing for the objective..after that for the set time period of the goal, you do prioritising and romoving blockers.

    Hope that helps


  • Paul

    Reply Reply September 7, 2022

    Hi Steve,

    A friend told me about Stuart Lichtman yesterday and it seemed well worth the time to research it and your site came up. Thanks for sharing this review. I haven’t read the guide or details on the process but it’s on the schedule for this week and I’m looking forward to it.

    Your comment about building on small successes makes a lot of sense so I’m going to make a point of journaling my efforts and progress.

    What I’m setting out to accomplish will bring money but that’s a side benefit to the goals I have for my business. Reading about your blog’s success is helpful as I begin the process.


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