Rules For Renegades

The response from Christine Comaford-Lynch’s Appreciation Sob has been phenomenal. I’ve been keeping tabs on her to see what Christine is offering and she is now promoting her new book, Rules For Renegades. I was on the phone talking with a close friend of mine and telling him about the Appreciation Sob. I was explaining…

How to Choose Powerfully

By being fully present to what’s important to me and being fully self expressed I feel powerful.  This post covers my thoughts on how to choose powerfully from your higher self. This morning I sent our CEO an email thanking him for getting our management team together.  This is what I said, Dennis, I just…

Stretch Yourself

Recently, I went to the gym. It was the first time in a while, and when I was lifting weights I got to the point where I wanted to give up. I hit a wall. I was feeling pain, fatigue and didn’t know if I was going to make it, but I kept driving forward…

5 Killer Commitment Strategies

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it to stand for something, to really commit to something. You have to put your word on the line. It’s not easy to commit to something and keep your word. It’s not easy to keep working at your goal until you get the result you want. Some days…

5 A-Grade Personal Development Bloggers

Priscilla Palmer is a personal development blogger and life coach who has come up with a brilliant idea. She has put together a list of her 5 favourite personal development bloggers. Priscilla is looking for your feedback. She would like to know who your favourite personal development bloggers are. This sounded like fun so I…