Stretch Yourself

Recently, I went to the gym. It was the first time in a while, and when I was lifting weights I got to the point where I wanted to give up. I hit a wall. I was feeling pain, fatigue and didn’t know if I was going to make it, but I kept driving forward anyway. I kept moving ahead to literally stretch myself regardless of how I felt. I was determined to follow through no matter what it took. I put in a 100% effort – and it paid off.


Afterwards on my way to dinner, I couldn’t stop but recognize and acknowledge myself for having such a great workout. I couldn’t help but compliment myself. I felt strong, happy, and confident. I felt focused and I felt proud. That’s when I noticed what I was saying to myself. I could hear my little voice saying things like, “I went above and beyond. What a great workout! I feel great. I can’t wait to see what happens next!”

I kept repeating this to myself over and over again. It was as if I had a little self-talking coach inside of me to pump me up. The little coach was generating this awesome feeling in me.

I think we all have that little self-talking gremlin that resides in our heads, but this voice had a different tone and a different volume. It felt softer and gentler. It felt welcoming. It didn’t come from my head; it came from a higher place outside of me.

The Lesson

I remember saying to myself, “Deep down everyone is looking for a challenge and wants to be tested.” I kept thinking to myself, “But why? Why is it important to have a challenge?” That’s when I came up with the answer. I realized that deep down people want to be challenged because it tests the best of us. When we get tested, we are being brought up a notch to our best self or higher self. When our higher self is in control we experience new and exciting things.

I say the reason why people want to be tested, pushed and challenged is so they can do something new and exciting and so they can win! It’s human nature for us to want to win. Winning keeps us moving forward, looking for something more exciting.

By stretching and growing, you can invent an exciting new life for yourself. Deep down, I believe winning is a lot of fun and it can mean something new, exciting and adventurous. It can mean a new experience. It opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.

I think the idea of being challenged and stretched is a powerful one. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take this idea and use it. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what happens if you do. If you let yourself stretch and grow, then you will get to be your true self. By being your true self you get to be YOU.

Have fun stretching.

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