Destroy Your Limiting Beliefs: Training Starts in 5 Days

Why is it that some people always get what they want? You know who I’m talking about. They have successful careers or businesses. They have the most amazing friends and they always seem to get the best opportunities. They carry themselves with confidence and they seem to have this charisma about them. Wouldn’t it be…

Download My Workbook: 3 Step Guide to Gain Lost Confidence and Take a Fearless Step

“Absolutely awesome information.” ~ Debajit I just came out with a new workbook and 3 step guide to help you step out of comfort zone so that you can achieve what you never thought was possible.  It’s a workbook which means you’ll gain some value by actually doing some of the exercises I suggest. FOR…

Does Raising Self Esteem Improve Your Quality of Life?

It absolutely does. There are no two ways about it.   Your quality of life is driven by your choices and your self esteem or self image directly affects what you choose. Think about it. What defines a good quality of life? Is it having stuff?  Is it what you do?  Are these things important?…

Client Interview – Belle Badell

This is an interview with a client of mine.  Belle and I have worked together for 8 weeks.  During this time Belle has been very diligent in applying the techniques and tools I’ve shared with her to create change quickly. A few things you might not know about Belle: She is a teacher in the…

Life Directions Intensive Review

This is a review of T. Harv Eker’s Life Directions Intensive which I attended in January 2008.  I registered for this course back in the summer of 2007 because I was unhappy in my job and wanted to move my career into an entirely new direction. Name: Life Directions Intensive Creator: T. Harv Eker Purpose:…