Byways of Blessedness by James Allen

Guest post published with permission from Tony Gallivan. Life is full of beginnings. They are presented every day and every hour to every person. Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and insignificant, but in reality they are the most important things in life. See how in the material world everything proceeds from small beginnings.…

If you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, does it still work?

It seems that there are two different trains of thought on this topic. You either believe in the Law of Attraction or you don’t. And if you don’t believe it, does it still work? The reason this is an important question is because all of reality is created by your thoughts – and even more…

12 Steps to Happiness

This is a guest post from Teri @ The Bliss Network. Have you heard of the bestselling book, “Happy For No Reason” by Marci Shimoff? When I read that book for the first time, I totally got what she was saying about happiness set points and some people just naturally being happy. My name is…

90 Day Money Back Guarantee For Mind Power Mastery Ends Tonight

“Act as if you are the controlling element in your life.” ~ Richard Bandler Registration for Mind Power Mastery closes tonight at midnight (EST). You know me pretty good by now. I don’t have any hidden agenda. Some of my Newsletter Subscribers and Blog Readers have been following me for almost 3 years. Some of…

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Achieve Your Dreams

You can’t just think good thoughts and expect that good things will fall into your lap.  Just thinking positive thoughts doesn’t cut it as I clearly pointed out in Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work. What’s clear to me is that applying the Law of Attraction effectively comes from becoming clear on what you want and…