Stretch Yourself

Recently, I went to the gym. It was the first time in a while, and when I was lifting weights I got to the point where I wanted to give up. I hit a wall. I was feeling pain, fatigue and didn’t know if I was going to make it, but I kept driving forward…

5 Killer Commitment Strategies

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it to stand for something, to really commit to something. You have to put your word on the line. It’s not easy to commit to something and keep your word. It’s not easy to keep working at your goal until you get the result you want. Some days…

Integrity and Completions

In my last post, I covered the definition for being in integrity. Integrity means to be honest, whole and complete. You do this by owning your word. In order to truly feel in integrity you must take action and follow through with your completions. The act of completing puts you back in integrity. Incompletions &…

Definition: Integrity

If you’re actively creating your life by owning your word, your word is law. This is a powerful place to operate from because you’re in integrity. If you’re in integrity then you’re being whole and complete. You get to create the life you want. If you’re out of integrity then you suffer, life is a…

Goal Setting – Our New Home

Yesterday was the closing day of our new home. Trish and I have been looking at homes for the past 6 months. This isn’t an easy process. It takes a lot of effort and persistence. More than anything it took a lot of mental preparation. Exploring Our Goal Our goal from the very beginning has…