8 Most Popular Posts for 2007

I hope all of you have had a great year and are looking forward to an even better 2008. In reflecting back over the past year I’ve compiled a list of the articles that you visited frequently. There are a variety of posts on topics such as productivity, the law of attraction, building your communication…

How to Increase Your Productivity

The biggest barrier to productivity is not a lack of time like most think. When you dig deep down to the core of the problem, a lack of productivity comes from a lack of integrity. Most people will say one thing and then do another. People who do this are not in integrity. This creates…

Take Action when You’re Stopped

Last week I was working on my first ever real estate investment deal. I was about to put in an offer on a property and I got stopped. I was having second thoughts. I had feared something bad was going to happen. I was working outside my comfort zone and I was frightened. There was…

How to Use the Money JARS System

The money jars system is an easy and simple way to manage your money. In the beginning I resisted this system. Eventually I gave in and began to see the financial rewards first hand. In my last post I shared some of the benefits of using the JARS to manage money. In this post I’ll…

Managing Money – The JARS System

“Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.” ~ Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door The first time I picked up T. Harv Eker’s Secret’s of the Millionaire Mind, I read the quote above and caught myself saying, “I know that!” Trouble was I didn’t really know that. I…