The Next Two Months

You may be finding some old traumas you haven’t healed are coming to the surface this month, and it’s making you feel uncomfortable. It’s making you feel scared and insecure.

The reason this is happening is because the amount of light passing through your physical body right now is at an all time high. When there is more light, it reveals more darkness (old traumas).

The same phenomena is playing out planet wide for all people, which is why many dark secrets are now being revealed by Hollywood celebrities, politicians and governments. More light always reveals more darkness.

You’re going to see this phenomena continue to play out over the next two months, and also in the years ahead. As the light continues to penetrate our planet, it presents a great opportunity for many to have a quantum leap into the 5th dimension. The opportunity comes from allowing the increased light to reveal more traumas and darkness from your past so that you can heal these experiences once and for all.

As you go through this process of revealing and letting go of the darkness, your psychic abilities will return, your higher self will become a stronger guiding force in your life, and you will realize more of your true potential.

However, in order to navigate this transition, you must pay attention to the sensations in your body. Some of these sensations are not going to feel good at all, but that is on purpose.  These sensations are trying to get your attention. It’s the body’s way of speaking and saying to you, “Hey , this knot in your gut, this tension around your heart is ready to move on because it is no longer serving you. Please pay attention to this sensation now so that you can let it go, move on and evolve to the next level.”

The next two months will be tough for many people who ignore these clear signs from the body. Some will push them back down, and choose not to ascend to the next level, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn to let go, expand your soul and move to the next level of your evolution.

If you want my help, then let’s start with a body scan to identify where the blocks are, and then go from there. There is no charge for the initial exploratory call.

Click here to book your 45 Minute Session.

Love and light,


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