Best Friends
I think deep down everyone has a burning desire to be great. They want to be the best plumber, the best carpenter, the best mechanic, the best engineer, the best lawyer. They want to be the best dad, the best mom, the best uncle, the best cousin and the best friend. They simply want to…
One Extremely Important Lesson
Vacations are great, aren’t they? It’s a great time to relax, reconnect with friends and family and enjoy the moment. The week before last I was in the Mayan Riviera in Mexico. I was there with Trisha, my brother and a few of our friends. We had such a blast. I love vacations. I’ve enjoyed…
4 Steps to Become an Effective Leader
Leadership is not about power or control over others; that’s a misconception and a sign of weakness. The idea of control is sourced from a faulty, fear based belief system. True leadership comes from leading your own life; and that means taking personal responsibility for your results. Only then can you start to be the…
Law of Gender
The law of gender is one of several Universal Laws. This law is also commonly known as the law of gestation and explains the process of moving from seeds of thought to creating physical results. The law of gender can be stated as follows… Law of Gender Every seed of thought has a gestation or…
Don’t Read this Post, It Might Change Your Life
This post might change your life. That sounds like a pretty big promise, don’t you think? If you keep reading, you’ll see why. Attention is everything when it comes to being creative. When you focus your attention on your vision with purpose and power – all other versions of your life fall away. Your obstacles…