How to Deal With Negative People and Their Negative Thoughts
Don’t you just love it, when you tell someone you’re going to do something that’s never been done before and they say, “You can’t do that!” And then somehow that idea seem to stick in your head, playing over and over again. Know what I mean? How to Deal With Negative People (and their Negative…
How to Get Life Coaching For Free
Does it sound too good to be true? Well it’s not as far fetched as you think. To be completely honest, you can’t get coaching without paying anything; at least not from someone who is any good. A good coach charges good money just like a good mechanic will charge a premium dollar to keep…
Breakthrough Self-Sabotage Podcast with Aryana Rollins
Listen in to an interview between myself and Aryana Rollins, Cybernetics Transposition Mastery Coach. Aryana has an interesting approach to the very complex science of Cybernetics Transposition created by Stuart Lichtman. In this interview, Aryana shares some effective strategies that will help you gain insight as to what may be holding you back and…
Relationships, Career Transition & How to Believe In Your Dreams
This post is the second of two posts in response to the questions I received last week: What’s Your Most Burning Question? The topics covered in this set of questions and answers include relationships, career transition and how to believe in your dreams. Question #6: “My question is why can’t I decide about who I…
Overcoming Resistance to Change, Eliminating Negative Emotions, Creating Focus and the Law of Attraction
Last week I posted a question: What is Your Most Burning Question? The feedback I received was phenomenal and these are by far the most interesting and challenging questions I have received. Make sure to have a look if you are at all interested in the topics of overcoming resistance to change, eliminating negative emotions,…