How to Mend a Broken Self-Image
Self image is what drives your self esteem. In this video I share an analogy on how it works. I also give 3 examples where you can develop and amplify your self image. Problem: Broken Self Image Signs and symptoms of a broke self image: Hesitation Feeling doubtful Panicky Worried about what others think Over-thinking…
Building Self Esteem – 3 Techniques
Building your self esteem helps you gain the courage to pursue your dreams – no doubt about it. I believe it’s so important to actively living a successful and fulfilling life. When your self-image is aligned with your higher self, your physical reality shifts to that image. Here are 3 techniques to “magnify” your…
How to “Pin-Point” Poor Self-Esteem From a Mile Away
Self esteem issues come from a poor self image. It’s not something “outside” you that gives you the confidence to be brave and bold. It’s always what is inside of you. In this video I share an experience I had with someone who had poor self esteem – and what you can do to raise…
7 Signs of Low Self Esteem
Raising your self esteem could be the very thing that sets you apart from the crowd. A high self esteem increases your performance, leverages your productivity and gives you the courage to act in spite of fear. In this video I share the 7 signs of low self esteem. I also give a little background…
Does Raising Self Esteem Improve Your Quality of Life?
It absolutely does. There are no two ways about it. Your quality of life is driven by your choices and your self esteem or self image directly affects what you choose. Think about it. What defines a good quality of life? Is it having stuff? Is it what you do? Are these things important?…