Follow Your Excitement, Part 2

The less you focus on the outcome, the less you interfere with the outcome. In Part 2 of Follow Your Excitement, I share some ideas to help you nurture your life force by following your excitement, and what to do when you get in the way or restrict your life force. The Creator is always…

What is the Purpose of Life?

In a nutshell… you came here to transcend the limitations of your physical 3D reality. But it’s more than that. You see the contrast you experience in lack and limitation is the catalyst to fuel your desire to experience being more connected and having more abundance. Each time you experience limitation or separation in your…

Why Is Silence Important for Us?

In today’s update I provide 3 reasons why silence is important for us to evolve as the new human. – we are bombarded with too much information each day – we feel overwhelmed, stressed, or even confused as what to do next – because we are bombarded with too much INFORMATION Key: we NEED less…

Quantum Leap into Your New Future

In this video I share how the “sling-shot” effect can launch you into an empowering state almost instantly even if you have been in a dark place for months, or even years. These sling-shot experiences carry a lot of energy and intensity and can quantum leap you forward with much more momentum and energy than…

Energy Healing & The New Human

Andrea Rice and I cover the importance of balancing energy to create spontaneous healing. I hope you enjoy this update, Steve ++ Client Testimonial ++ “I am speechless. I’ve been doing therapy for so long, I didn’t think this was ever going to shift. But when we did the energy clearing work, I saw my…