How to Become Aware of False Beliefs

Awareness of your current beliefs is an important first step to change them. If you can’t see them, you can’t change them. Once you’re aware of what’s holding you back, anything is possible. In this article I’ll review a process that I’ve found useful to uncover counter intentions and false beliefs. Let me explain why…

Counter Intentions & Praxis

Praxis is such a fascinating concept. Praxis means integrating belief with behavior. It has been the basis for a lot of the changes that I’ve made in my life over the past two years, maybe even longer. It’s so powerful that you understand and apply this idea to make the changes you want for your…

8 Most Popular Posts for 2007

I hope all of you have had a great year and are looking forward to an even better 2008. In reflecting back over the past year I’ve compiled a list of the articles that you visited frequently. There are a variety of posts on topics such as productivity, the law of attraction, building your communication…

How to Increase Your Productivity

The biggest barrier to productivity is not a lack of time like most think. When you dig deep down to the core of the problem, a lack of productivity comes from a lack of integrity. Most people will say one thing and then do another. People who do this are not in integrity. This creates…

Take Action when You’re Stopped

Last week I was working on my first ever real estate investment deal. I was about to put in an offer on a property and I got stopped. I was having second thoughts. I had feared something bad was going to happen. I was working outside my comfort zone and I was frightened. There was…