Learn the Science of Getting Rich

I realize it’s tough out there. There are a lot of people ‘hurting’ financially. I also realize that not everyone can afford to hire a coach; so here’s the next best thing: Wallace Wattles’ 7 Principles in the Science of Getting Rich. I wrote these lessons back in 2008 after I left my job to…

Bob Proctor Gets Open Heart Surgery

Wow. Life is short. I saw this video with Bob Proctor and it was really touching. I hope I never have to go through something like this. I’m really glad I went to see him live last year – because it looks like he’s going to cut back on his seminars and speaking engagements for…

Money and the Law of Attraction

Money and the Law of Attraction.  Using the Law of Attraction to create more cash in your life has got to be one of the most misunderstood concepts that came out of the movie The Secret.  I know it confused the heck out of me.  It took me quite a while to get a handle…

True Wealth

This is the most critical element of creating true wealth, but very few people (if any) talk about it. I don’t like to hold back and I want to be completely honest with you guys, so here goes nothing… Here’s the video:

Your Unconscious Performance Limit (to Earn More Money)

Have you wondered why you make the money that you do? Without giving it much thought, you could say that the money you earn is a function of the skills you’ve acquired over the years, your experience and choice of career. That makes sense at least somewhat, but it does bring up some bigger questions,…