6 Clear Signs of Procrastination

Procrastination can be a big problem. You see what many people don’t realize is that putting off the important has greater consequences than they think. When you do this often and long enough, you start churning up destructive habit patterns. These destructive habits can negatively affect your self-confidence and self-image. It negatively affects the way…

How to Overcome Procrastination – 2 Ways

Your best friend, procrastination. “What!” you say, “My best friend, how could you say that?” The reason procrastination is your best friend is because it’s on the teetering edge of motivation. Let me explain. For a behavior to be classified as procrastination, it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying. Here are some other examples you…

Two Types of Motivation: Which One Do YOU Use?

I’ve been playing the game of self-motivation for a while. It’s one of the perks of being an entrepreneur – you get to learn more about yourself so that you can see what works and what doesn’t. If you’re having trouble getting motivated, watch this video: Two Types of Motivation: Which One Do YOU Use?…

How to Follow Through With Your Goals

Recently I was asked a question via email.  I’ve left the person anonymous.  Here’s the question: Q: I have some issues with starting things and not finishing.  Any suggestions on getting people like me to follow through on their tasks? I answered this question with some of my own insights and experience in today’s video:…

5 Killer Commitment Strategies

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it to stand for something, to really commit to something. You have to put your word on the line. It’s not easy to commit to something and keep your word. It’s not easy to keep working at your goal until you get the result you want. Some days…

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