3 Tips to Improve Affirmations
An affirmation is a statement asserting a truth that you wish to exist. It’s something you intentionally want to experience. Affirmations can and will increase your amplitude of vibration if applied in the proper context. There is a wide variety of advice on how affirmations work. Use your intuition to elicit the best advice. Here…
How to Apply the Law of Attraction
Your construct of reality creates blind spots that prevent you from easily applying the Law of Attraction. This construct is how you view the world and either supports or hinders you. Once you understand the building blocks of reality, you can make new choices that will help you learn how to apply the law of…
Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you think about. Thoughts are magnetic. You have power to create your physical reality with thought. You don’t need to believe this in order for it to be true. You will attract what you think about regardless of what you currently believe. This is important to…
A Secret to Master Visualization
“As the sailor has the port toward which he is sailing in his mind, you must have a clear mental picture continually in your mind. You must keep your face toward it all the time.” ~ Wallace Wattles Your mental image will manifest when impressed continuously on the formless substance. There is no doubt in…
Attraction is a Choice
Once you identify what you don’t want, you’ll be in a perfect position to attract what you do want. Although subtle, this will make all the difference for you. Choosing what you do want is just that – a choice. The key to attracting what you do want is to know what you want and…