I haven’t made this public yet, but I know now is the time to share this with you. I’m no longer going to be a “life coach.”
I’ve played this back and forth in my mind for many months. I’ve even had quite a few emails over the last 6 months from people who have expressed an interest in coaching. Here are the top 3 areas of coaching I normally get asked about…
- Life Direction Coaching – getting focused on living on purpose.
- Career Coaching – getting clear on your career choice.
- Relationship Coaching – this one comes up from time to time, but I’m not feeling the Wil Smith (just yet!)
Besides these 3 areas, I also get asked about small business coaching.
By far my favourite type of coaching has been working with coaches to help them get clients and the Live Hangouts I run for the Manifesting Mastermind Series.
What About Life Coaching?
I’ve given this alot of thought and I’d like to support as many people as I can. I have even thought about hiring coaches to work with me or working in some sort of partnership. That seems like a 2012-2013 sort of goal as I have other priorities right now… but in the mean time I’ve noticed that there are 3 areas where I see people seeking support…
- Life Direction Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Relationship Coaching
At this point I haven’t decided what I’m going to do next. I may create some additional online training; I may start a new coaching program or a group training program. I may even do nothing for the time being… and I’m ok with that too :)
P.S. If you’re interested in the Manifesting Mastermind Live Hangouts, the program is now closed. However, if you want to get on my waiting list for when it re-opens, go here.
George M
August 4, 2011Hi Steve,
Having read your articles related to Law Of Attraction for the past 2 years in this blog , may I please ask you ,that have you lost faith in Law Of Attraction and is this the reason why you are giving up Life Coaching ?
Thanks & Regards,
George M
August 4, 2011Hey George – I’m wondering if you misunderstood… working with sales professionals to help them double their sales will be the area where I focus my coaching…
George M
August 4, 2011Got it Steve. Realization finally draws on marblehead :) .
So, that means now, you will be leveraging Law Of Attraction to double sales for your clients.
I hope I got it know.
August 4, 2011Hey George,
Yes, you nailed it! I guess you could call me a “Sales Coach,” so much fun!
I added a clarification in this post because of your question. Thanks for reaching out and asking ;)
August 4, 2011That’s great to hear. Know your going to kill it with this new focus. Having always been in sales, your’re right, the field is overrun with ppl that still think telling is selling and that ppl will buy just b/c your product is better. So they just talk about a ton of features and benefits w/o building a relationship and understanding what important to the prospect. All the best. Would love to help in any way possible.
August 4, 2011Good for you Steve I enjoy reading your updates and following your journey. I entered into caoching as a response to demand from friends and colleauges in 2010 and have enjoyed following your journey. My coaching covers a lot of areas and also continues to evolve, as has yours. If I can assist you as and/or your coaching clients as you migrate from life to sales coaching, let’s have a conversation. There are some interesting synergies we could create. Cheers.
August 4, 2011@ Ron – thanks for the good words :)
@ Lorraine – hey Lorraine… I’m open to the possibilities… just drop me a line or send me an email…
August 4, 2011I’ve known a few people who set themselves up as life coaches. They all struggled to attract enough clients to pay the bills. The problem was that they saw their clinets as some sort of ‘project’ that they used to try to reinforce their own beliefs. It was like “well i can’t make the LoA work for myself, so maybe I can make it work for someone else”. A lot of projecting goes on too, even amongst those who have learned about such ego defense mechanisms. Unfortunately when I hear the word life coach I have the same sort of reaction I do as when someone calls themselves ‘spiritual’. There’s a lot of wannabes out there! Those who can do, those who can’t teach – holds true today. Good luck with the new job.
August 5, 2011Hi Steve,
I am in the business of “Selling” , but not selling products , I sell my services ( management consulting).
Can I make use of Law Of Attraction to sell more of my services ?
Will you coach “Service Selling” people like me going forward ?
Best Regards,
August 5, 2011Hey Victor… you’d be surprised how easy selling can be (in any sort of business) once you get really clear on what it means to sell and then get clear on any and all resistance you have towards selling that product or service. It is this resistance that holds many people back.
And I wouldn’t say that unless I had some direct hands-on experience with selling.
As to your question… would I coach you? You sell so I can’t see why not. The only thing limiting me right now is the amount of me that is available to go around… the more clients I work with, the less of me there is to go around.
August 9, 2011Hey Steve
Checkout Jordan Belforts website and products. He’s known for taking average sales people and massively increasing their success.
August 9, 2011Thanks Mike,
david quiros
August 11, 2011Steve, your blog has help changed my life in many ways, i wanted to say thank you for helping put my life back on track!
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