Everyone knows that there are only so many hours in a day. If you work full time in your business or job then you know your income is limited. To double your income, you would have to double your work hours. It’s a linear relationship; 1 + 1 = 2. This doesn’t really work for most of us because,
- It means working 16 hour days.
- It cuts into our sleep time.
- We’ll fatigue and become irritated.
- It means we’ll miss out on the fun things in life.
To do what you love and enjoy more leisure time you need a new math. You need a math that pays you over and over again for work done once. You need to think about a way to produce greater results with less of your time.
Passive Income
We need to start thinking about passive income. This is the new math,
1 + 1 = 10.
To have more time for leisure, you have to start generating passive income. This will produce greater results with less of your time.
Work once and then make money over and over again – that’s a model that will set you free. That’s a model that will create more leisure time so you can focus on other interests – so you can focus on yourself.
Think of your freedom. If you had an extra 20 hours per week, what would you do? Who would you see? How would you feel?
Start thinking passive. Introduce yourself to new ideas about passive income and build your freedom.
Real Estate Example
I never would have thought to buy a home with a rental basement apartment. It was the last thing on my mind. In retrospect it was the best thing Trisha and I could have done. Once we completed the initial renovations, selected a tenant and rented the basement – there wasn’t much to do.
Now we’re fortunate to be on the receiving end of a monthly deposit into our account. It’s purely passive. The only work is to advertise the apartment when the tenant lease expires. If we’re fortunate we won’t even have to do that. As long as we find a tenant that wants to stay the long term.
We’ve been taking a good chunk of this passive income and depositing it into our Financial Freedom Account (FFA). This account is setup electronically as an ING Savings Account. Now we’re earning interest on the money from our rental income. It’s making money with money. That’s the beauty and power of passive income.
The reason Trisha and I became interested in renting an apartment is because we were thinking passive. We started thinking passive when we attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive in June 2006.
The Millionaire Mind Intensive
The Millionaire Mind Intensive is a lot of fun. In my experience, Peak Potentials is among the experts of experts when it comes to making passive income. They’ll teach you everything you need to know to increase your passive income and revise your ‘internal’ money blueprint.
Since attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive, Trisha and I have effectively:
- Increased our net worth by 43% in 12 a month period.
- Created $875/month in passive income.
- Traveled and vacationed more this year than any other time.
- Arranged a simple system to automate our wealth creation.
- Created more peace in our relationship (from resolved money issues).
- Setup separate PLAY accounts for spending money.
I’ve learned so much from The Millionaire Mind Intensive. You will experience a transformation in the way you think and speak about money. You’ll learn how to earn more passive income.
You can learn more about this seminar here: The Millionare Mind Intensive.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
I was introduced to The Millionaire Mind Intensive after I bought T. Harv Eker’s book: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. In this book Harv talks about inner wealth and how to change your financial thermostat. If you want to explore this further, see my Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book review.

Scott Sebenaler
March 14, 2008Great information.. I agree on passive income and paying down debt! More people need to understand how to leverage their time through multiple steams of income…..
Joao de Saldanha
March 14, 2008Passive income is the best income.
Please take a look at my website and check out the fantastic opportunity I have, endorsed by Donald Trump.
egbuhuzor emmanuel c.
March 14, 2008pls i will be very grateful, if you can send me, motivational words and insight that can move me from my present state of financial inbalance to a state of self satisifaction. i have read great books like THINK AND GROW RICH, GREATESS SALES MAN , WHY ASK WHY and many more yet am unable to improve myself.worst stiil i have been a contracr staff for 4yrs, thus making me unable to earn good pay. please you help, will be appreciated, thanks.
March 14, 2008Joao – I have a friend who works for ACN. It’s a great company from what I hear and from the people I’ve met at ACN – best of luck!
M.R. Engstrom
March 14, 2008Egbuhuzor Emmanuel, I was in your situation, at one point. My advice to you is for you to sit down, write out a list of what you would like to see happen in your life as if it has already happened (for example: “I have a successful million dollar business”), and then at the end of every night before you go to sleep, you should sit down and go over your list. Also, once you finish the list, you should close your eyes, and picture the kind of life that you would like to have, what you would like to be doing, and who you would like to be. After a few weeks, you will start seeing changes in your attitude and your life. In some cases, I was able to achieve my goals in a few months. Many took several years, but I did achieve them. Good luck! I trust you will do well!
March 14, 2008M.R. Engstrom – great advice. I agree with you and have a similar routine.
I have one specific goal laminated on a card and I read it every morning and every night before I go to bed. I carry this laminated card with me wherever I go. I also visualize every morning which is a great practice to get into.
Chris Lund
March 14, 2008Steve,
Good stuff. I also took the Millionaire Mind Intensive a few years ago, and thought it was incredible. T. Harv Eker really knows his stuff. He doesn’t just teach you great stuff, but he helps poor and middle class people reprogram the junk that was instilled when they were growing up. I bought MMI on 16 CD’s for $400, and it is worth that ten times over. I listen to it again every few months to keep it fresh. If you get a chance, I would love for you to take a look at my blog, and give me some pointers on how to turn it into an income stream (if possible). I do a lot of motivational writing. Thanks, and best wishes.
-Chris Lund
‘You can have your dreams, or you can have your excuses, but you can’t have both!’
March 14, 2008thanks for your input Chris.
It’s always nice to hear from another MMI grad. I’ll check out your blog.
March 15, 2008hi to everybody,
I’m reading this website and everything is very interesting to me. I live in Italy. Maybe someone of you knows if there are seminars similar to MMI in my country?
thanks in advance for everything,
Jim Murdoch
March 15, 2008Thanks for the inspiration. I’m subscribing to your feed so not to miss out on any further good info.
Brent Scott
March 15, 2008Hello Stephen,
If someone said to you that they innovated a way to unclog freeways and reduce the accidents on them by 90%, wouldn’t you think that the world would be beating a path to their doorway?
You guessed it. In seven years I haven’t convinced one person to put any effort into helping me get this enterprise going. I know I personally don’t have the skills to create this organization my self and have the double bind of not having had success convincing (or inspiring) those that do have the talent to pitch in.
Can you offer me some words of wisdom to get this worthy endeavor off the ground?
Brent Scott
Founder, FlowNow at http://www.flownow.org
March 15, 2008Luisa – Yes, I do know a company that offers a program similar to MMI.
The company is called One Spirit Inc (also under My Favorites in the sidebar) and they do a Success Intensive in Malta. Not quite in Italy but pretty close. Btw, your english is very good – my parents are Italian.
All the best,
March 15, 2008thanks Jim.
Brent Scott – this is a big undertaking and I applaud you for having the courage and vision to move forward with it. Most of us settle for something smaller which isn’t worthy of our souls.
As I have no experience in the dream you’re undertaking I would highly suggest you see the dialogue between M.R. Engstrom and I (above). Put these ideas into action and start the creation process – which starts with a thought!
From there see what inspiration comes your way and act on it. For more on inspired action see:
How to Change Your Beliefs with Praxis, Part 3
March 16, 2008thank you steve for your info.
anyway I would prefer to attend a seminar and also some ono-to-one coaching in my mother-tongue in order understand as much as possible.
If anyone knows, please let me know.
in friendship,
July 21, 20081 + 1 = 10 is not a new math. It’s called binary system :D
(Just a joke)
There’s no such thing like passive income… but there are things that help us laverage value of our time and once we cross $X/h some people call it passive. But it’s not true – if you don’t keep an eye on it, it will dry out after time.
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