Daily Affirmations – 3 Mistakes You MUST Avoid
If you’re a skeptic about affirmations, then make sure to watch the video I’ve included at the end of this article. In this video I share a specific REAL-LIFE example of how to successfully use affirmations to intentionally CREATE a result. Before you watch the video, here are some great insights and some of the…
6 Affirmation Secrets to Make You Feel Better
I learn so much from my clients. Anyone who is a coach will attest to this. It really is a blessing to work with people who are striving for a better life and way of living…. these people are such an inspiration to me and they are some of my best teachers. Recently, I was…
3 Tips to Improve Affirmations
An affirmation is a statement asserting a truth that you wish to exist. It’s something you intentionally want to experience. Affirmations can and will increase your amplitude of vibration if applied in the proper context. There is a wide variety of advice on how affirmations work. Use your intuition to elicit the best advice. Here…