If you’re a skeptic about affirmations, then make sure to watch the video I’ve included at the end of this article. In this video I share a specific REAL-LIFE example of how to successfully use affirmations to intentionally CREATE a result. Before you watch the video, here are some great insights and some of the common mistakes made with daily affirmations.
Mistake #1: Give Up Too Early
Consistency is really important with affirmations. Once you get started, the repetition has a lasting affect that builds upon itself – creating this neural groove in your mind – so that the next time you use it, the easier it is to apply.
And not only is it easier to apply – each and every time you use the affirmation – you MAGNIFY THE result SIGNIFICANTLY.
The mistake that many people face is that they give up too early – without giving affirmations a chance to SET in their subconscious.
TAKEAWAY #1: Consistency is the key to affirmations. They longer you use them the better the results.
Mistake #2: Use a Different Affirmation Each Day
Back in 2006 I took Harv’s Millionaire Mind Intensive and started using affirmations. I made a commitment to stick with them for 90 days.
I held my end of the bargain – I affirmed for 90 days straight – but I wasn’t seeing results! It was 90 days later and I didn’t feel any different; I wasn’t receiving any unexpected checks in the mail. What the heck was going on?
Why wasn’t this working?
It was because I was using a different affirmation each day.
And using a different affirmation each day is sort of like working on 12 different projects all at the same time. Because each project requires your attention and your energy, you can’t help but move your effort from project to project.
But if you want results right away – even immediately then FOCUS on one project; one affirmation and stick with it.
TAKEAWAY #2: When it comes to affirmations or working with your thoughts, the game is FOCUS. Use the same affirmation daily for a period of 30 days.
Mistake #3: Lack of Attention Mastery
If you haven’t used affirmations successfully up to this point – and you’ve tried everything else – including the other suggestions I’ve made – then move towards attention mastery.
The reality is that most peoples MINDS are constantly distracted like little puppies. Attention mastery comes from practice – you want to make your affirmations a daily ritual.
By practicing affirmations daily you learn how to master your attention. When you learn how to master your attention, you will master your manifestations.
TAKEAWAY #3: Master your attention and you master your manifestations.
Here’s the VIDEO where I share how to BOOST SELF CONFIDENCE using affirmations: How to Boost Self Confidence in 7 Minutes or Less
D R @ Motivating Minutes
March 13, 2011Good points. I personally find it’s helpful to meditate or at least have some quiet time to stay focused.
March 13, 2011Hey DR… that’s sound advice. Especially when using affirmations…
Shane Wigfeld
March 14, 2011Hi Steve,
Is it possible to use EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique) to gain mastery over Affirmation.
Thanks & Regards,
March 14, 2011I don’t know Shane… I haven’t used EFT successfully… what has been your experience?
Kevin Edwards
March 20, 2011Hi Steve,
I understand the value of affirmations . However, doesn’t repeated affirmations throughout the day make you totally attached with the outcome . In an earlier video of your’s I recon you spoke about becoming detached with the outcome.
Do you think I am right in my assessment.
March 20, 2011Hey Kevin,
Absolutely! When I started using affirmations successfully I became “addicted” to them and was using them all the time throughout the day… I got to a place where I couldn’t TRUST myself to CREATE the outcome because of my attachment to the outcome…
March 26, 2011Hey guys, it’s totally true! And if you want to go deeper then you can combine it with autogenic training (advanced level) or any other hypnosis technique.
Leszek Cyfer
April 6, 2011I use written affirmations in 2 column notebook. 3 repetitions respectively of “I, Leszek…”, “You, Leszek…” and “He, Leszek…” and then all over again.
Each time I write the affirmation down, then speak it aloud, then relax, close my eyes and visualize its outcome (depending on the observer I can see myself from one of 3 prspectives). Then I write down my reaction to the affirmation in the second column – whether it is spoken (like an disagreement), a feeling (like anger) or an urge (like sleepiness, hunger, need to go to bathroom etc.)
At each session I repeat the affirmation until my reactions are either positive or “It’s obvious”. One affirmation needs to be repeated for at least a month of lack of negative reactions, and then once a month to check whether negativity creeped in again.
The second column serves to keep track of my reactions, to keep myself aware of them. In light of awareness the negative reactions slowly subside to dissappear completely. You don’t have to argue with them, just acknowledge them and move on. When they are subsistent, twist them over into positive affirmations and work on them as well.
Awareness is the key to better life, and affirmations are best when you’re fully aware of all feelings that sweep through you as you experience the visualisation of their effects.
April 12, 2011Yes,certainly the key is awareness.Fuul on emotion,awareness andallowing not pushing the river. There you have it, along with a crystal clear picture in your mind. Eureka!
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