If You’re in Business, and You’re Working Way Too Many Hours for What You Get Paid, Try This…
If You’re in Business, and You’re Working Way Too Many Hours for What You Get Paid, Try This… 1. Start by focusing on ONE problem to solve for your audience. 2. Develop a service around that ONE problem. 3. Systemize all of your marketing and sales efforts around that ONE problem. 4. Scale and grow…
If Almost Nobody is Engaging With Your Videos, Try This…
If Almost Nobody is Engaging With Your Videos, Try This… 1. post videos in the LinkedIn feed 2. use the problem in your headline 3. keep the video to < 1 min Give it a shot, and let me know how it goes, Steve Connect on Facebook Share Please Subscribe to my Weekly Newsletter. Endless…
If Someone is Not Responding to Your Messages, Try This…
If someone is not responding to your messages, try this… #1. Add the contact company name + location in your message. #2. Tell them what you do (your solution). #3. Ask them if they want to have a conversation with you. Then report back here and let me know if it worked in the comments…
Here’s How to NOT Get Scammed by Another LinkedIn “Guru”
If your market is not active on LinkedIn, then don’t waste your time marketing on LinkedIn. How do you know if your market is active? Look at activity in the past 30 days. If you have an active market, at least 20% of them will have posted on LinkedIn in the past month. If it’s…
Tik Tok, Posting Socially and 874 Video Views in One Day
The last time I saw engagement and traffic like this was back in 2009…. After I had been running my blog for an entire year. If you’re posting content socially…. and you’re not on Tik Tok, you might want to check it out. Watch the video to learn more. Steve Connect on Facebook Share Please…