“If you don’t change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?” ~ Dr. Robert Anthony

In this video I’ll share a technique that most people aren’t even aware of (or maybe they are aware of it but they just aren’t doing it the right way.)

I’m lifting the gauntlet here so that you can start making drastic changes in your life. Here’s your next training video:

Here are the affirmations…

1. For people starting a business:

    “I have an abundance of clients.”
    “Lot’s of sales today”

2. For people looking for love or a new partner:

    “I’m in a loving relationship”
    “I have an abundance of dates”
    “I attract hot, sexy men”
    “I attract hot, sexy women”

3. For people looking for a new job or career:

    “I have a successful career”
    “I have unlimited success”

4. To get more energy or just feel better:

    “I have unlimited energy”
    “Today is light and easy”

Take these affirmations and DO them. Once you start getting results be sure to come back and leave your comments below.


  • Belle

    Reply Reply May 1, 2010

    Hi Steve,

    I have consistently used “work is light and easy”, which you gave me a few weeks ago. It really has made a huge difference, as I am working (with you) on transitioning from being employed to being my own boss and doing what I love…

    Gracias amigo!

  • Pete P

    Reply Reply May 4, 2010

    Hi Steve,
    This explanation clears up the affirmation principal for me, Bob Proctor in the “Six minutes to success” series does not actually say that there is a particular time to say these things as you have pointed out! so, I have been trying them whenever I have a few minutes to myself. I’m sure if I start saying things out loud when I wake up in the morning and before I fall asleep, my partner will probably think I have flipped so maybe I can try it after meditation, what do you think?

  • Steve

    Reply Reply May 4, 2010

    Hey Pete,

    You don’t necessarily have to use these affirmations during those times (morning-night), but it definitely helps as you’re in that mental state of “theta.”

    Enjoy them,

  • Sarah Leather

    Reply Reply October 29, 2010

    Thanks for the reminder! A lot of people I work with in my baby making business can be very negative(understandably with their challenges) so it is very timely to reinforce the positive changes that can come with affirmations. Wont do me any harm either!
    Sarah Leather

  • Anonymous

    Reply Reply December 17, 2010

    Cool it’s going in the direction of the advanced level of autogenic training.

  • miller r matthew

    Reply Reply March 8, 2011

    hi steve,
    I really think you are on the right track to solving people problems. the first thing a person needs to winner is to think and affirm it to himself before anybody else that he is a winner, without which it will not work.
    I have always learned steve, that you must believe in a product to get the effective results that product has to offer. please keep it up. i am an addicted follower of your tweets and i am really impressed. God bless you.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply March 8, 2011

    Miller – you can’t go anywhere, but UP from here :D

    Bell Well,

  • maureen

    Reply Reply May 23, 2011

    Hi Steve,
    That was excellent and quite liberating,just luv the energy you exude. I really found your video very inspiring.yeah! I really nee
    d to have faith in whatever i set out to do. Wish we could be close buddies,luv to meet you in person to share ideas, cos’ i really want to make positive impact on a world, getting fired up by surrounding myself with wonderful personalities like you. Thanks a zillion and God bless.

  • M.Magdi

    Reply Reply September 23, 2011

    Hello Steve,

    I hope you have something that can boost the energy for college students who are aiming for excellent grades. I request from you-if you don’t mind- to make a video about this issue.

  • alisa

    Reply Reply December 6, 2011

    Hi, would like to ask, how do we do this affirmations? Do we say it out loud or just imagine it (the outcome)? Thanks

  • Steve

    Reply Reply December 6, 2011

    Hey Alisa… you say them to yourself (either out loud or internally to yourself)… hope that helps…

  • khairi

    Reply Reply December 19, 2011

    Hi Steve,

    This is really great, thank you Steve & keep up the excellent work

  • Luigi

    Reply Reply February 29, 2012

    Thanks Steve,
    I’ve tried this technique in the morning programming my subconscious with possitive affirmations about myself, and it truly works! My self esteem is better, I don’t feel too much down during the day, I feel less tired, more optimistic. I feel more and more that my sense of identity comes from within me, and not what other people feel, think or do. I feel more grateful and my intentions are more grounded to find the love and joy within myself, and to radiate a warmhearted feeling that brings the best our of people around me. I feel more open to forgive and more playful and in touch with the child in me.
    Thank you again!

  • Luigi

    Reply Reply February 29, 2012

    BTW, I’m a recovery codependent, so everything you have produced, I have learned in the past few months, and I feel much better! Codependence is a terrible dis-ease that affects most of everyone during life!

  • Steve

    Reply Reply March 2, 2012

    Hey Luigi – you’re a complete Ninja!! I’m so happy for you! …you do in fact OWN your life ;)

  • Cynthia

    Reply Reply July 21, 2013

    I browse mostly with my blackberry smartphone, can’t see this video. *sad face*

  • farah

    Reply Reply January 2, 2014

    hi steve i doing every thing the way u are saying and every thing is happening the way I want but just money. I don’t know where i m going or doing wrong but I m not getting the amount of money I want. tell me what to do?

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