If you can dream it, you can do it. ~ Walt Disney
In this video I’ll share my own insights on what’s required to break bad habits so you can master change quickly. I’ll also share how your mental files create blinds spots that prevent you from “seeing” new opportunities.
We normally get a blind spot (also known as a scotoma):
- from limiting beliefs that don’t support us on the journey towards our goals
- in our inability to see character traits in ourselves that others see as obvious
- in our inability to perceive solutions to a problem when we’re in an unresourceful energetic state
And if you don’t think you have any blind spots, then make sure to watch this video clip. It really sends the message home. Once you watch the video be sure to leave your thoughts down below.
April 19, 2010Thank you for this amazing Charlie Chaplan Video Steve. I had heard several times about the inability of the mind to perceive reality. However, never have I comprehended it like I do now. I will never forget this amazing video…and refer to it whenever I have a problem to which I can’t seem to find a solution.
May 13, 2010Hey Steve,
Pretty amazing how our perception works, thanks for sharing this great video.
KimAlyse Popkave
June 5, 2010Wow! Really drives home the idea of perceptions shaping our reality.
Thank you.
August 19, 2010Indeed spectacular
Bruno Coutant
September 6, 2010This video is quite amazing. The nose sticks out but in my observation the “internal face” turns counter to the external face too! A double trick! And as Chaplin wears a hat, dare I say a “hat-trick”?
September 8, 2010hey there, thanks.
September 13, 2010Believe it or not I didn’t see it until at the third viewing I paused it on hollow and saw the ‘normal’ face.
September 16, 2010I was trying to see it right but I just couldn’t. Fascinating
November 1, 2010Hey Steve,
I am unable to see the Charlie Chaplin Video. Am I missing some settings… pls. help.
November 1, 2010Hey Gokul,
It works. Just give it a chance to load.
November 4, 2010Steve hi,
Like the way you illustrate your ideas … with interesting facts and figures … and the particularly powerful Charlie Chaplin illusion … and the ramifications this has for introducing change … in circumstances where we don’t know what we don’t know. I am particularly looking forward to seeing how your insights unfold.
Best wishes,
November 4, 2010Hey Denis… thanks for sharing your feedback… it’s been one of my passions to share these concepts in a new and different way and I hope it will provide you and anyone else who watches these videos with further insights and growth :-)
November 11, 2010Steve,
Thank you for your time. You are getting the points across very well. Don’t tell my subconscious but I had an ah ha moment and I am excited about it.
November 14, 2010Thanks, Steve
What you’ve said and how you’ve said it go’s along way to describe why I’m struggling with the changes I want to make. Big ships turn slowly,but they do turn. Maybe I’m exactly where I’m meant to be,I just can’t see it.
Like the mask,because I can’t see the wake, I don’t know yet if I’m turning…catch my drift?
Thanks again.
November 30, 2010Hi!
I just wanted to say, great video!
I saw mind tricks before but I think this has topped it all. I especially enjoyed the narration during the piece because it helps you focus on what is going on and tobe aware.
December 5, 2010Hi Steve, I agree absolutely with your point on the power of the subconscious. The Charlie vieo is fascinating. It proves the power of the subconscious with it’s dependence on your current paradigm – beliefs, values, perceptions. So, to get what you want, shift your paradigm. I guess that’s where the fun begins.
New Life Starts Here
December 9, 2010Steve, I tried to force my mind to keep the mask hollow and could not do it. Really interesting to see that even if you tell yourself it has to be one way, the mind has a mind of its own. Nice example.
December 9, 2010Hey Don,
Yeah, this example blew my mind wide open!! It’s no doubt that the subconscious beliefs we hold have a way of masking our reality.
August 2, 2011Steve,
So, our subconscious needs to be aligned with our conscious goal.
Having said that, how then does one change the subconscious thoughts to match up with a big goal?
August 2, 2011Oh, and how can I change my subconscious quickly?
August 2, 2011Hey Mike… great question. Keep an eye out for more emails and training from me… you’ll get some great insights :)
September 2, 2011Cool Video. Both of them. You really impress me with every e-mail you send Steve.
September 19, 2011Oh My Goodness Me – that is so incredible. Like so many of the other comments, I’ve tried to just see the pink plastic inside of the mask but it’s impossible. Thanks Steve, loving your work. It’s been very helpful to me at a time when I’ve needed it most. Looking forward to vid 3
Donna Dalessio
November 22, 2011Thanks for the video…it really drives home the point of how your subconscious mind makes you see things differently from how they may actually be or how othres may see them.
January 19, 2012funny because as i was watching the chaplin video over for the first time i saw the inside of the mask only as the inside of the mask and i couldn’t understand what the guy was talking about. it honestly looked to me like the inside was indented (which it is in fact). it was only until i understood what he was trying to say and then watched it again that i found myself unable to see it as indented anymore.
February 16, 2012It’s absolutely fantastic!
Thanks Steve for sharing the illusion video.
I have struggled for a long time in my life to change some habits. I tried hard sometimes and failed repeatedly, and finally I quit. I now understand why. Really eye opening!
I am waiting for the next videos. cheers!
March 14, 2012XD I had to try hard to see that it WASN’T hollow! Had to pause the video and stare because I knew it was a mask and for the entire 1:30 I saw a mask. Then I paused it, a second go round, and FINALLY saw the nose “sticking out”. However, now I am having difficulty achieving my original perception that the nose isn’t “sticking out”! Haha
April 26, 2012We really enjoyed that awesome video. Cheerrio mate.
Karl Savage
March 7, 2013A good way of explaining the power of the subconscious
July 2, 2013An Amazing coaching Steve!! Thanks a lot!!!
Bob Tucker
August 14, 2013I see your point. I have been fired from a few jobs and always for the same reason, I did not fit in. My perception was work hard, be punctual and do the best job possible. That was my perception. The reality was, I made the other employees look bad beause I did a much beeter job than expected. Most of the workers and supervisors were there because they had to work. They did just enough work not to get fired. I enjoy working and compete against myself to do better and be better. There for in reality, it was a club for them.
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