The Shocking Truth About Action!

I’ve noticed a trend recently. I’ve noticed that I’ve been able to get more done with less. In other words I’ve been able to get greater results by taking less action. It doesn’t really make sense, does it? It defies logic really. It didn’t make sense to me either, well until recently. In Dr. Robert…

The Strangest Secret in the World

Here is a classic you can’t turn up. If you want to hear from one of the greatest minds of our time and someone who mentored Bob Proctor for almost 6 years, this is it. Don’t believe a word I say, just check it out for yourself. This video is a recording of Earl Nightingale’s…

Counter Intentions & Praxis

Praxis is such a fascinating concept. Praxis means integrating belief with behavior. It has been the basis for a lot of the changes that I’ve made in my life over the past two years, maybe even longer. It’s so powerful that you understand and apply this idea to make the changes you want for your…

Focus On Prosperity

‘It is an absolute law of your being, that you must have something mentally before you will ever have it physically!’ ~ Bob Proctor I love Bob Proctor’s message and the practical information that he provides through his books, programs and his website. The fact that he is a multimillionaire a few times over doesn’t…

How to Jump Start Your Day

Have you ever noticed how important it is to have a solid start to your day? This morning I started this article and I woke up feeling full of energy. Deep down I knew that today was going to be an awesome day. I’m sure you’ve had days like that too. Think back to the…

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