50 Best Life Coaches in the World
Coaching as a business is exploding right now. It’s such an exciting industry. So many of the coaches I hear about getting into the business are doing it to make a difference. Here are a list of the 50 best life coaches. These are coaches who have impacted me directly or indirectly to help improve…
3 Tips to Find a Great Coach
This the second blog post in response to 101 Reasons Why You Should Have a Coach. In this audio I share 3 tips on how to select a coach that will raise your game and standards in life to a whole new level. Regardless if you’re looking for a coach or not, this is good…
7 Ways to Get Motivated and Achieve Your Goals
Get Motivated and achieve your goals this year. If you’re going to achieve your deepest desires, you must understand how your mind works. When you learn how to tap into the deep resevoirs of your mind, getting motivated to achieve your goals gets much easier. When you work with your mind, you turn: probably into possibility…
Goal Achievement: 5 Killer Posts
“Quantum leaps come when you seek the elegant solution. So look for an approach characterized by simplicity, precision, efficiency and neatness.” ~ Price Pritchett, YOU2 This is a good time of year to start thinking about what you would like to achieve in the new year. Sometimes this can be a daunting task and you…
3 Steps to Think Clearly and Creatively
The more we stress about our problems, the bigger they get. Sometimes the best thing to do is let go of our problems. Not to give up, but to let up – and make some “space.” One day last week I took the afternoon off. Even though it was during the week I decided to…