Effective Action and The 80/20 Rule
This article is the fourth in a series of articles on How to Triple Your Income as a Consultant. Taking effective action means taking the actions that produce the greatest results. You won’t get paid a premium dollar unless you provide premium quality. That means trimming the fat and doing the things that count the…
Get Paid More: Earn the Right
This article is the third in a series of articles on How to Triple Your Income as a Consultant. Before you move into consulting you have to identify the need: Are You Saving Your Company Time or Money? Once you identify the need, you can begin crafting solutions to solve this problem. Your solutions must…
Are You Saving Your Company Time or Money?
This article is the second in a series of articles on How to Triple Your Income as a Consultant. You’ve got to think differently if you’re going to move from employee to consultant. You’ve got to think differently if you’re going to be an entrepreneur for that matter. You have to look for the needs…
How to Triple Your Income – 6 Pillars
Can you triple your income in 2009? Is this even possible with the American recession? It’s not totally out of the question. If you’re in a job then this is probably an unrealistic expectation, but ultimately it depends on your position in the industry. If you collect a performance based salary from a sales or…
4 Steps to Become an Effective Leader
Leadership is not about power or control over others; that’s a misconception and a sign of weakness. The idea of control is sourced from a faulty, fear based belief system. True leadership comes from leading your own life; and that means taking personal responsibility for your results. Only then can you start to be the…