Magic Manifestation Meditation

Here’s my latest manifestation meditation – I hope you like it!

This will not work if YOU:

– Have an unconscious debt to God.
– Feel unworthy of abundance.
– Have an unconscious desire for self punishment.
– Are feeling superior to all other beings.
– Are in a bad place at the moment.

So if you’re not in the best of places right now…

You’re worrying a lot, or you have anxiety or a lot of fear and panic.

Better to rebalance your energy before you take on too much power.

It will overwhelm you – because one you realize how powerful you are, your life will dramatically change.

So on to the exercise.

A few more caveats to ensure best results:

– Come from a place of humility.
– Ensure you’re in a positive state before you start (i.e. peaceful, joy, etc).
– You must believe in a Higher Power.
– You must believe the Higher Power is here to serve you.

If you are revisiting this video + you have already watched the beginning…

the Magic Manifestation Meditation starts at the 9 Minute, 30 Seconds mark.

Let me know what shows up over the next few days in the comments below :-)


ps. If you’d like to Clear Your Energy Blocks, you can book a call with me here:

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