Ep #37 – Improvisation & Personal Transformation in Business with Ricci Victorio

Ep #37 – Improvisation & Personal Transformation in Business with Ricci Victorio

Ricci Victorio has always found herself in coaching relationships, from the time she was very young and through high school and college.

After graduate school she an improvisational acting coach, a breakthrough coach, later became certified as a succession coach and finally a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.

When she found life coaching, she cried for a long time. They were tears of joy because she finally felt like she found her tribe.

Summary of Key Insights:

  • the mind lies to you all the time, it’s the heart that speaks the truth
  • as long as you can learn and understand what happened, and take responsibility, you can build on that
  • developing awakened people by active listening by becoming more observant and present

Schedule time with Ricci here:


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