What an incredibly irresponsible thing to suggest. Walk into an enclosed area with lots of people and NOT wear a mask, just to somehow prove to yourself that you are “free”? We’re still in a pandemic, man. But you don’t care – you just want to tell yourself that you’re a free-thinker because you don’t succumb to societal pressure. Science and other people’s lives be damned. Wearing a mask is not about behaving like society wants you to. It’s about protecting yourself and others from a very real threat.
You could have suggested something that doesn’t actually put other people’s lives in danger.
This video is profoundly disturbing in both its ignorance and the author’s total lack of judgement in promoting non-compliance with Provincial Law during a Pandemic, during which the only known way of protecting our most vulnerable population has been to wear a mask. I would ask that you a) remove it promptly and b) apologize publicly. Not wearing a mask doesn’t make you free, it makes you a sociopath. We don’t wear masks because we are programmed stupid sheep, or concerned what those wearing a mask will think of us, or even because they are mandated… we wear them as part of the social contract that exists when people care enough about each other to do what they can to keep each other alive. I wear my mask to protect others, and I appreciate others wearing theirs for me, my child, my parents, my siblings, my friends, and everyone else in the world who deserves a full life of freedom and choices. By not wearing a mask in public, you effectively steal all of our freedoms.
If you’re at risk, and you want to wear a mask, great.
Even better, stay home.
But the rest of us who are not at risk, can carry on life as usual.
This is not a threat.
It’s only a spiritual war.
Shine your light,
ps. Btw, if any of you reading this are Canadian citizens (and you want to travel even now during COVID) don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t come and go as you please.
> You really think walking in public without wearing a mask puts people in danger?
Yep. The virus is airborne and comes out of an infected person’s mouth and nose. Wearing a mask has been shown to significantly reduce transmission of airborne particles: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-72798-7
Bottom line, a large number of people have it and don’t know it and are walking around in public. The best way to stop spreading it to other more vulnerable people is to wear a mask when going out in public.
So yes, I do think walking around in public without wearing a mask puts people in danger. Plus it’s just fucking selfish.
> But it’s ok if people die of cancer (one in seven) heart disease (one in six) ?
Huh? Nice strawman. When did I say it’s ok for people to die of cancer or heart disease? And what do either of those diseases have to do with a highly infectious airborne virus?
> Not to mention the increase in suicides, and drug overdose because of lockdowns?
I’m sure that’s your reason for not wanting to wear a mask. To prevent suicides. Guess what? Not wearing a mask means more infections, more death, more economic hardship, a longer pandemic and more lockdowns. Do you think everything just becomes magically ok for everyone if the government declares no lockdowns?
> 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 and nobody wore masks.
> No lockdowns.
> Nobody even talked about it!
Why no lockdowns? Perhaps because the leading risk factors for pneumonia were malnutrition (53% of pneumonia deaths), indoor air pollution / 2nd-hand smoke (29%) and outdoor air pollution (18%). (Source: https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia#what-are-the-biggest-risks-for-developing-pneumonia). People are still allowed to go outside during a lockdown, just not other people’s houses / malls / restaurants, etc. So yeah, there were no lockdowns for pneumonia, because it wouldn’t have made any fucking difference.
Woah, 18.4%!!! Holy crap! According to the link you posted:
“In 2019, there were 18 deaths from influenza and pneumonia in Canada per 100,000 population”
Ummm…18 per 100,000 equals 0.018%, not 18.4%. So the covid death rate of 2.2% makes it, let’s see…122 times more deadly than flu/pneumonia (2.2 / 0.018). Math is hard.
> Again…
> Nobody wore masks.
> No lockdowns.
> Nobody even talked about it!
See above. Learn math.
> If you’re at risk, and you want to wear a mask, great.
Oh my god, you don’t get it – masks protect others from you, not the other way around.
> Even better, stay home.
I have to stay home because uninformed, entitled people like you don’t understand statistics & virus-transmission factors but don’t want to be inconvenienced?
> But the rest of us who are not at risk, can carry on life as usual.
Nice. “It’s not a risk for me, so fuck everyone else. I don’t want to wear a mask! Wah!”. You sound like an asshole.
S: You’re not comparing apples to apples. You compared the ratio of the total deaths from influenza as compared to the TOTAL Canadian population.
* Death rate in Canada for influenza and pneumonia in 2019 was 18.4%, which is based on the number of people that DIE FROM THE VIRUS, as compared to the number of people that GET THE VIRUS.
This means out of the people who actually got influenza, 18.4% DIED.
> You’re not comparing apples to apples. You compared the ratio of the total deaths from influenza as compared to the TOTAL Canadian population.
You’re correct, my apologies.
OK, so here’s some more math:
Canadian death rate from flu/pneumonia 2019 = 18 per 100k
Canadian population = 37.59 million
Total deaths from influenza in 2019: 0.018% * 37.59 million = 6,766
Total deaths in Canada from Covid in the 1-year period between March 9, 2020 (first reported death) and today = 22,276
Death rate for covid is still more than 3 times that of the flu.
> Nobody is dying from COVID.
Tell that to the loved ones of the 22,276 Canadians who died from covid in the last year. Don’t be an asshole. Wear a mask.
pss. “Right now, every 12 seconds, somebody in the world commits suicide. It’s the second most common cause of death in teens. Last year, more people died from suicide than from COVID-19, so we have a crisis.” ~ Deepak Chopra
Wow, lot’s to unpack there. Hard to say which is more breathtakingly on display – your white privilege, your male privilege, or your ignorance. That may be why it’s difficult for you to grasp what a grave injustice you are doing by advising your cohorts to prove their freedom and invincibility to the virus by sashaying into their local Walmart without a mask. A store that according to their recent report on diversity is likely to be highly staffed by the most vulnerable of our populations – minorities. Who have very little freedom of choice in whether or not they go to work, since for the most part they are deemed essential workers, and oh, yeah, also need their fucking jobs.
But the fact is, healthy white males are just as much at risk for contracting Covid-19 as anybody else. Our morgues and hospitals have been filled to capacity (or over) for almost a year now with plenty of people who felt there was no risk to them, and just wanted to get on with their lives, others be damned. So, I’m not sure why you think you are not risking contracting or transmitting the virus when you go out? And I’m sorry, but no, this is not a spiritual war, this is a known pathogen, it is airborne, and masks work. In fact if more people had worn their masks when they *should* have, we wouldn’t be in our current situation of having to mandate, lock down and force compliance.
There are also many people who can’t mask for medical reasons. Have you talked to one? The stigma and fear and complications they face when attempting the most basic of errands is challenging to say the least. I can almost guarantee that at no point in the conversation will they brag to you about how “free” they are or feel. They are extremely vulnerable, forced to rely on herd immunity at a time when the cows are running wild. Stunts like the one you recommend in your video make it worse for them, not better.
Stay free? Shine your light? Hard to do when people who are so unbelievably butt hurt about wearing a piece of cloth over their nose and mouth make it virtually impossible for others to safely leave their home or go anywhere at all really without risking horrible consequences. We have stayed home, for over a year now. A year of not seeing loved ones, of no friends, no fun. A heartbreaking year of watching our child receive little to no education, and zero social interaction. It’s ghastly. So, honestly, why don’t you say what you really mean? Because what I hear when you say shine your light, stay free is ‘Get fucked’.
Fines can be issued by a by-law officer, and that’s who the store will call when someone by-passes their security detail, without a mask. The current cost to corporations who refuse to comply with the Provincial mandate to mask is up to $500,000 – so if you think Walmart isn’t calling the cops, and risking that fine for themselves, I’d say that’s a losing bet. Which of course, leads one to wonder what Walmart in particular will think of you sending your followers to their stores in order to participate in your bullshit *Freedom* challenge, and potentially putting their staff, customers, reputation and finances at risk.
I’ll restate my original request – take down the video and apologize, and add another – do not continue to mansplain all of this to me with your lazy interpretations of information selected to solely serve your pre-held opinions on an issue you appear to be woefully misinformed on. In return, I’ll “stay free” and keep shining my light – from a social distance, behind a mask.
Re: Molly: “I’m not sure why you think you are not risking contracting or transmitting the virus when you go out?”
I never once said I was not at risk of contracting or transmitting COVID… never once. I just DON’T believe transmission = death.
Sweden has not locked down, and has not required masks, and the COVID mortality rate is just over 2% of the population. Worldwide mortality is also just over 2%.
Which means we have a 98% survival rate, regardless if we have masks or not.
Start at 9 min, 33 seconds and watch to about 14 min, 54 seconds. There is a section on schools and pediatric cases.
And if you’re thinking of getting the experimental vaccine since you seem to trust the government, I’d highly recommend you and your family watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGXpt9TrF3E
It’s an interview with Geert Vanden Bossche, from Belgium, who formerly worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Senior Program Officer of Vaccine Discovery.
just an observation ..
Every shop I go into , I usually have one interaction at the the till .. that’s all .
The people working at the till could have 100 + interactions per day
I ask the people working there , would they feel safer if people wore masks ? and they all said yes .
Would I be happy being one of 100 people calling to someone else’s house every day ?
Would I be happy leaving 100 + people into my house every day .. ?
Human Nature .
We usually NEVER see the issue in invading someone else’s space
We usually ALWAYS see the issue when someone invades our space
March 8, 2021What an incredibly irresponsible thing to suggest. Walk into an enclosed area with lots of people and NOT wear a mask, just to somehow prove to yourself that you are “free”? We’re still in a pandemic, man. But you don’t care – you just want to tell yourself that you’re a free-thinker because you don’t succumb to societal pressure. Science and other people’s lives be damned. Wearing a mask is not about behaving like society wants you to. It’s about protecting yourself and others from a very real threat.
You could have suggested something that doesn’t actually put other people’s lives in danger.
Molly Layton
March 8, 2021This video is profoundly disturbing in both its ignorance and the author’s total lack of judgement in promoting non-compliance with Provincial Law during a Pandemic, during which the only known way of protecting our most vulnerable population has been to wear a mask. I would ask that you a) remove it promptly and b) apologize publicly. Not wearing a mask doesn’t make you free, it makes you a sociopath. We don’t wear masks because we are programmed stupid sheep, or concerned what those wearing a mask will think of us, or even because they are mandated… we wear them as part of the social contract that exists when people care enough about each other to do what they can to keep each other alive. I wear my mask to protect others, and I appreciate others wearing theirs for me, my child, my parents, my siblings, my friends, and everyone else in the world who deserves a full life of freedom and choices. By not wearing a mask in public, you effectively steal all of our freedoms.
March 8, 2021S and Molly:
You really think walking in public without wearing a mask puts people in danger?
But it’s ok if people die of cancer (one in seven) heart disease (one in six) ?
Not to mention the increase in suicides, and drug overdose because of lockdowns?
COVID death rate is 2.2%
1,618,374 people died in 2020 from COVID:
2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 and nobody wore masks.
No lockdowns.
Nobody even talked about it!
Death rate in Canada for influenza and pneumonia in 2019 was 18.4% !!
Nobody wore masks.
No lockdowns.
Nobody even talked about it!
If you’re at risk, and you want to wear a mask, great.
Even better, stay home.
But the rest of us who are not at risk, can carry on life as usual.
This is not a threat.
It’s only a spiritual war.
Shine your light,
ps. Btw, if any of you reading this are Canadian citizens (and you want to travel even now during COVID) don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t come and go as you please.
You can do what you want.
Read section 6 – Mobility Rights here: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html#a2d
Stay free,
March 8, 2021> You really think walking in public without wearing a mask puts people in danger?
Yep. The virus is airborne and comes out of an infected person’s mouth and nose. Wearing a mask has been shown to significantly reduce transmission of airborne particles: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-72798-7
Furthermore, it has been estimated that between 1/5 and 1/3 of people infected with covid-19 are asymptomatic, https://patient.info/news-and-features/coronavirus-what-are-asymptomatic-and-mild-covid-19#:~:text=Being%20asymptomatic%20means%20that%20you,may%20be%20an%20asymptomatic%20case. generally young, healthy people like yourself.
Bottom line, a large number of people have it and don’t know it and are walking around in public. The best way to stop spreading it to other more vulnerable people is to wear a mask when going out in public.
So yes, I do think walking around in public without wearing a mask puts people in danger. Plus it’s just fucking selfish.
> But it’s ok if people die of cancer (one in seven) heart disease (one in six) ?
Huh? Nice strawman. When did I say it’s ok for people to die of cancer or heart disease? And what do either of those diseases have to do with a highly infectious airborne virus?
> Not to mention the increase in suicides, and drug overdose because of lockdowns?
I’m sure that’s your reason for not wanting to wear a mask. To prevent suicides. Guess what? Not wearing a mask means more infections, more death, more economic hardship, a longer pandemic and more lockdowns. Do you think everything just becomes magically ok for everyone if the government declares no lockdowns?
> COVID death rate is 2.2%
> 1,618,374 people died in 2020 from COVID:
> 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 and nobody wore masks.
> No lockdowns.
> Nobody even talked about it!
Why no lockdowns? Perhaps because the leading risk factors for pneumonia were malnutrition (53% of pneumonia deaths), indoor air pollution / 2nd-hand smoke (29%) and outdoor air pollution (18%). (Source: https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia#what-are-the-biggest-risks-for-developing-pneumonia). People are still allowed to go outside during a lockdown, just not other people’s houses / malls / restaurants, etc. So yeah, there were no lockdowns for pneumonia, because it wouldn’t have made any fucking difference.
> Death rate in Canada for influenza and pneumonia in 2019 was 18.4% !!
Woah, 18.4%!!! Holy crap! According to the link you posted:
“In 2019, there were 18 deaths from influenza and pneumonia in Canada per 100,000 population”
Ummm…18 per 100,000 equals 0.018%, not 18.4%. So the covid death rate of 2.2% makes it, let’s see…122 times more deadly than flu/pneumonia (2.2 / 0.018). Math is hard.
> Again…
> Nobody wore masks.
> No lockdowns.
> Nobody even talked about it!
See above. Learn math.
> If you’re at risk, and you want to wear a mask, great.
Oh my god, you don’t get it – masks protect others from you, not the other way around.
> Even better, stay home.
I have to stay home because uninformed, entitled people like you don’t understand statistics & virus-transmission factors but don’t want to be inconvenienced?
> But the rest of us who are not at risk, can carry on life as usual.
Nice. “It’s not a risk for me, so fuck everyone else. I don’t want to wear a mask! Wah!”. You sound like an asshole.
March 9, 2021S: You’re not comparing apples to apples. You compared the ratio of the total deaths from influenza as compared to the TOTAL Canadian population.
* Death rate in Canada for influenza and pneumonia in 2019 was 18.4%, which is based on the number of people that DIE FROM THE VIRUS, as compared to the number of people that GET THE VIRUS.
This means out of the people who actually got influenza, 18.4% DIED.
For COVID, that number is 2.2%, based on the W.H.O.
Nobody is dying from COVID.
Learn math.
March 9, 2021> You’re not comparing apples to apples. You compared the ratio of the total deaths from influenza as compared to the TOTAL Canadian population.
You’re correct, my apologies.
OK, so here’s some more math:
Canadian death rate from flu/pneumonia 2019 = 18 per 100k
Canadian population = 37.59 million
Total deaths from influenza in 2019: 0.018% * 37.59 million = 6,766
Total deaths in Canada from Covid in the 1-year period between March 9, 2020 (first reported death) and today = 22,276
Death rate for covid is still more than 3 times that of the flu.
> Nobody is dying from COVID.
Tell that to the loved ones of the 22,276 Canadians who died from covid in the last year. Don’t be an asshole. Wear a mask.
March 9, 2021You can do what you like, it’s a free world.
But no mask for this guy.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/7_b0AhqvAVw
ps. Since you are into masks, you might like this too: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMORc1yhmM3/?igshid=16d8gv99tajgg
pss. “Right now, every 12 seconds, somebody in the world commits suicide. It’s the second most common cause of death in teens. Last year, more people died from suicide than from COVID-19, so we have a crisis.” ~ Deepak Chopra
Full article from Deepak here: https://finance-yahoo-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/video/deepak-chopra-covid-19-impact-220656135.html
Molly Layton
March 9, 2021Wow, lot’s to unpack there. Hard to say which is more breathtakingly on display – your white privilege, your male privilege, or your ignorance. That may be why it’s difficult for you to grasp what a grave injustice you are doing by advising your cohorts to prove their freedom and invincibility to the virus by sashaying into their local Walmart without a mask. A store that according to their recent report on diversity is likely to be highly staffed by the most vulnerable of our populations – minorities. Who have very little freedom of choice in whether or not they go to work, since for the most part they are deemed essential workers, and oh, yeah, also need their fucking jobs.
But the fact is, healthy white males are just as much at risk for contracting Covid-19 as anybody else. Our morgues and hospitals have been filled to capacity (or over) for almost a year now with plenty of people who felt there was no risk to them, and just wanted to get on with their lives, others be damned. So, I’m not sure why you think you are not risking contracting or transmitting the virus when you go out? And I’m sorry, but no, this is not a spiritual war, this is a known pathogen, it is airborne, and masks work. In fact if more people had worn their masks when they *should* have, we wouldn’t be in our current situation of having to mandate, lock down and force compliance.
There are also many people who can’t mask for medical reasons. Have you talked to one? The stigma and fear and complications they face when attempting the most basic of errands is challenging to say the least. I can almost guarantee that at no point in the conversation will they brag to you about how “free” they are or feel. They are extremely vulnerable, forced to rely on herd immunity at a time when the cows are running wild. Stunts like the one you recommend in your video make it worse for them, not better.
Stay free? Shine your light? Hard to do when people who are so unbelievably butt hurt about wearing a piece of cloth over their nose and mouth make it virtually impossible for others to safely leave their home or go anywhere at all really without risking horrible consequences. We have stayed home, for over a year now. A year of not seeing loved ones, of no friends, no fun. A heartbreaking year of watching our child receive little to no education, and zero social interaction. It’s ghastly. So, honestly, why don’t you say what you really mean? Because what I hear when you say shine your light, stay free is ‘Get fucked’.
But by all means, have your freedom. Just be aware that going mask free might not be as “free” as you think. Right now in Ontario it’s quite pricey: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/what-can-you-be-fined-for-covid-19-measures-1.5512439
Fines can be issued by a by-law officer, and that’s who the store will call when someone by-passes their security detail, without a mask. The current cost to corporations who refuse to comply with the Provincial mandate to mask is up to $500,000 – so if you think Walmart isn’t calling the cops, and risking that fine for themselves, I’d say that’s a losing bet. Which of course, leads one to wonder what Walmart in particular will think of you sending your followers to their stores in order to participate in your bullshit *Freedom* challenge, and potentially putting their staff, customers, reputation and finances at risk.
I’ll restate my original request – take down the video and apologize, and add another – do not continue to mansplain all of this to me with your lazy interpretations of information selected to solely serve your pre-held opinions on an issue you appear to be woefully misinformed on. In return, I’ll “stay free” and keep shining my light – from a social distance, behind a mask.
March 16, 2021Re: Molly: “I’m not sure why you think you are not risking contracting or transmitting the virus when you go out?”
I never once said I was not at risk of contracting or transmitting COVID… never once. I just DON’T believe transmission = death.
Sweden has not locked down, and has not required masks, and the COVID mortality rate is just over 2% of the population. Worldwide mortality is also just over 2%.
Which means we have a 98% survival rate, regardless if we have masks or not.
That’s why I don’t wear a mask.
ps. If you’re concerned for young ones, I highly recommend this: https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-rx-to-reopen/
Start at 9 min, 33 seconds and watch to about 14 min, 54 seconds. There is a section on schools and pediatric cases.
And if you’re thinking of getting the experimental vaccine since you seem to trust the government, I’d highly recommend you and your family watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGXpt9TrF3E
It’s an interview with Geert Vanden Bossche, from Belgium, who formerly worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Senior Program Officer of Vaccine Discovery.
March 11, 2021Hi ,
just an observation ..
Every shop I go into , I usually have one interaction at the the till .. that’s all .
The people working at the till could have 100 + interactions per day
I ask the people working there , would they feel safer if people wore masks ? and they all said yes .
Would I be happy being one of 100 people calling to someone else’s house every day ?
Would I be happy leaving 100 + people into my house every day .. ?
Human Nature .
We usually NEVER see the issue in invading someone else’s space
We usually ALWAYS see the issue when someone invades our space
What is the RIGHT thing to do ?
March 11, 2021that’s up to you to decide Sean.
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