here’s a recording of a free training I ran on how to sign clients with your 1st Degree Network.
It’s not that hard to do, but many of you are messing it up!
How do I know?
Because I am getting your LinkedIn messages.. lol
They aren’t very good :)
I’m certain with the right strategy a good number of you have $27k sitting right there in your 1st Degree Network.
1, 2, even 3 clients just waiting to buy from you.
Yes, you.
It’s not even that hard for me to do.
The problem is that you’re doing it!
And it’s not even WHAT you’re doing.
It’s HOW you’re doing it.
It’s like drawing bees to honey…
If you don’t have honey, the bees will fly away… LOL
So the real problem that I am going to help you solve on this training is…
How do we turn what you have into real HONEY !
Watch the recording and leave a comment below if you found it helpful :-)
Lauren Schlicht
October 19, 2021What scheduling program are you using in the video to schedule calls?
October 19, 2021hi Lauren – I was using, and now I am using:
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