Well, you may have noticed I haven’t updated my blog in quite a while…
There is a good reason for that. The truth is what when my blog wasn’t turning out to be as profitable as I would have liked, I stopped blogging and shifted my priorities to other business activities that felt more gratifying to me and also more profitable.
Although this shift was not in the best interest for you (the reader) it turned out to be quite a blessing for me.
Because this ‘time away’ from blogging gave me the space to pursue working individually with clients in my live monthly Google Hangouts. I started these Hangouts with the intent to deliver content in a new and unique way that would help people overcome their issues with money.
At least that’s how it started. Then things evolved…
After a month of doing these hangouts, one of my paying clients asked if I would continue supporting them after the program was over. That was an interesting thought. I hadn’t thought about that, but it was an easy decision.
Two weeks later I came out with my first ever membership website. It’s where members get special privileges, unreleased content, unique processes and support from me so they can achieve their business and financial goals by using principles from intention manifestation.
That program is called: Manifesting Mastermind.
It’s been quite a journey over the last 6 months, but I am deeply grateful for it. It was difficult for me to ‘walk away’ from blogging after I had reached 10,000 monthly readers. But hindsight is 20-20. It was one of the best things I ever did.
Which is why this next part is critical for you to read…
If you work for a living doing gratifying work, you’re in a unique place. Not everyone gets the opportunity in this lifetime to do the work they love and get compensated for it. I get that.
However, if you do gratifying work and you’re not being paid well for it, it may be because your priorities are out of alignment – you’re focused on contributing and making a difference – not on creating your freedom.
Please re-read that.
If you’re in business to make a difference and a fortune, then your priority must be on your freedom. I know quite a few business owners who are consumed with their businesses and keeping it alive, but they never get a chance to take a vacation or be with their family because their business has them chained down; a sort of self-created prison.
However, if you start with your freedom as your #1 priority, then everything else you do follows that lead. You begin to do more gratifying work – work that pays you well and provides a unique contribution. As you make a difference and more money, you give yourself more choices and those choices ultimately give you more freedom.
The freedom to do whatever it is you want.
And like I said, hindsight is 20-20. The work I am doing with clients is gratifying to say the least. Each tiny success led to my next big idea. And each new idea helped me to be more helpful to my clients. And helping my clients is what I find gratifying and is what allows me to create even more freedom.
And now I want to help you create yours.
If you really liked this article, then you also might like: 3 Keys to Living a Purpose Driven Life
Kenn Schroder (Web Designer for Coaches)
July 15, 2014Looks like you’re up to fun stuff Steve. I bet we’d spend all day talking about life, beliefs, and the likes. One day.
Let me throw in the discussion what I once came across, “Men want freedom. Women want fullness.”
Score a touch down, have an orgasm, win a war … all freedom men things.
Fill a room with furniture an nicknacks, receive a man completely, sing, dance, music, and food smells … all things of fullness women want.
I wonder if your freedom here is for men more so than women. To some degrees.
July 15, 2014Interesting point of view Kenn.
When I write my copy and sales letters, I actually use the word financial independence (right in the headline)… and not freedom. And when I get on the phone with my clients (who are equally men and woman), they will tell you they want financial independence. That was not an accident ;)
It’s no surprise I’m really focused on helping people create more money and financial independence. I love doing this. Many gurus will tell you that this solution is geared towards a male dominant audience. However, my experience is different. I get men and woman equally who join my Manifesting Mastermind program and maybe it’s because of the way I teach it.
Isn’t that interesting ;)
July 15, 2014Glad to see you are back Steve! I found you blog and videos a couple of months ago and love them.
I am also receiving your videos by email. Fantastic! I also love the fact that you are from Ontario!! So awesome to find a coach in the same province most I find are U.S. based. I thought that was pretty cool.
Anyways I have started my own small business but I have come up against a wall attracting new customers.
I hope to receive more insight from you.
July 16, 2014Hey Pam… great to hear from you :-)
The videos I share by email highlight some of the biggest truths about what it takes to create and attract more financial abundance. Glad you’re enjoying them :)
Darian Paul
January 8, 2024I can’t get enough of your insightful articles and engaging stories. Thank you for sharing your passion with the world!
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