Ok, so here’s some great news! A bit of an update for you as well. This summer I’m going to be published in a book with Bob Doyle. The Bob Doyle featured on The Secret and the brains behind the popular Wealth Beyond Reason Program.
And this is not an ebook either – this is a real published book!
How it All Happened
It’s weird almost. I’m a published author. I love it!
Here’s how it all happened. I got an email from one of the co-founders of Alska Publishing out of Melbourne, Australia. His name is Sean Patrick Simpson. Sean read my blog and felt I would be a good fit for one of their books. He then asked if I would be interested in contributing a chapter to one of their new books coming out this year. The book series is called Adventures in Manifesting.
Adventures in Manifesting
The first Adventures in Manifesting books were published last year. The authors in this series of books included people like Joe Vitale, Loral Langemeier, Fred Alan Wolf and Brian Tracy. What a A-list community! I thought, “Are you crazy! Of course I would love to be published in this book!”
So I jumped on it. I quickly wrote my chapter and sent it for editing with the publisher. The rest is history.
The book will be coming out later this year. You’ll be hearing from me about it so you can get your own copy. Right now the book is still in the editing phase.
The book series I’m going to be published in is called: Adventures in Manifesting – Passion & Purpose. It will be published in physical print later this year with twenty-some other authors, speakers, coaches and practitioners. Two well-know names published in the Passion & Purpose series will be Janet Attwood and Bob Doyle. Crazy, I know.
You can buy the book here: Adventures in Manifesting
Steve’s adventure in Manifesting
P.S. You know I believe in manifestation big time, but being published! That totally blew my mind. I wonder what surprise is coming next?
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