How Your Brain Creates Your Reality

In this article I’ll share how your brain creates your reality.

One of the success secrets to super-manifestation is to feel what you want as if it is already done.   It’s openly been shared online and in conversations everywhere since the unleashing of The Secret; that if you want results quickly, feel as if it is already done.

What is not openly shared is how the practice of this one idea can DRAMATICALLY shift your reality.

That’s right!  To feel as if it is already done.  Simple, but extremely powerful.  The more you feel it, the faster you shift the imaginary into the real.

  • Want better relationships?
  • Feel as if you have them now.
  • Want a trip to Jamaica?
  • Feel it as if you are on that trip right now.

Now with that in mind, here’s another success secret …

“If you focus on working with your subconscious for a little of the time then you will unconsciously program yourself to focus on those aspects of your life all of the time.”

Isn’t that cool?

What this means is that the big player in this game of reality shifting is your subconscious – not your conscious mind. So if you want to shift your reality dramatically, make the changes at the subconscious level.

So now you’re probably thinking: what the heck does this have to do with my brain and how it creates my reality?

Pretty much everything.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re doing pleasing things that more pleasing things show up in your experience? And that sometimes feeling good brings more feeling-good experiences into your life?  That somehow, some way, your feeling has everything to do with what you’re creating and manifesting right now?

It’s true.

So how does your brain create your reality?

With beliefs, right?  WRONG!  Beliefs do play an important role in reality creation – but what I want to speak to you about is something more precious; it’s what precedes your beliefs.

You mean there is something that precedes my beliefs?



It’s the way you feel.

This dates back a bit, but you might remember this formula from my blog posted almost two years ago:

Thoughts > Feelings > Actions = Results

Remember this?  If you don’t, that’s ok.  The point is that this is the creation process at its’ very core.  No act of God or Religious belief can change it.   In my own experience – this is how reality unfolds…

T > F > A = R

What’s even more alarming is that the more you find proof that this formula is working in your life, the more control you gain over your life and the better you feel.

Pretty awewome, right?

Now, here’s the part of the formula that you may have missed {and provides the ultimate “juice” in bending your reality}…

Thoughts > Feelings … “Beliefs”… Actions = Results

Did you get that?

Feelings lead to Beliefs.


When you feel something consistently over time you begin to believe it.  It’s your feelings – felt over time – that leads to your beliefs.  And your beliefs are what filter your reality-Universe. 

The problem is that most people use their “feelings-felt over time” to the detriment of their life.  They focus on negative feelings {guilt, grief, etc.} which disempowers them and reinforces their limiting beliefs.   

I suggest you use this “feelings-felt-over-time” in positive ways to help you improve your life.

Start by feeling as though what you want is already here.  Do this for short periods of time everyday and soon you will believe it is happening – not only will you believe it – but the thing that you’re feeling will drop right into your lap.

Talk about mind-bending stuff, eh?

“If you focus on working with your subconscious for a little of the time then you will unconsciously program yourself to focus on those aspects of your life all of the time.”

Next important question: Is this whole reality creation thing a brain thing or a Universe thing?

It’s both!  You don’t want to think of the Universe as separate and independent from you – that’s an illusion. There is no inside or outside – it’s all the same stuff. The Universe is part of you and you are part of the Universe.  Everything is energy.

And if that is too “hocus-pocus” for you to understand at a gut-level, then realize that your brain works with your perception.  And your “perceived reality” is what creates your Universe.  If you change your perception, your reality changes.  When your reality shifts, so does your Universe.

Deep stuff man.

Is there anything else I need to know about how my brain creates my reality?

Well, you may also want to read this: Stay Focused On What Makes You Feel Good


  • George M

    Reply Reply February 1, 2011

    Hi Steve,

    It’s quite cold out hear at Vatican City, but this article of your’s has developed a nice warm feeling in me . Great article.

    Just one question here. How do you develop the feeling of something that you want but do not have , beacuse you will not know how it feels ( to have that thing)right if you don’t have that .

    Thanks & Regards,

    George M.

  • Fred Tracy

    Reply Reply February 1, 2011

    Hey, thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to make this article.

    I love the part about feelings felt over time, and using them positively rather than negatively.

    It’s funny because I’ve been focusing on what it would feel like to be a successful blogger. I’ve been imagining as though I already run an immensely popular website. I’ve noticed that the quality of my writing has improved, because I imagine myself writing for millions of people. It really helps me to take the extra time to make sure everything has as much value as possible.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 1, 2011

    Hey George… great question!

    To put it simply, find the next best experience you can find (from your past) that approximates that feeling… and as you play with that experience and nourish it {with imaginary and real experiences)… your reailty will begin to bend and drop new experiences into your life that enrich your feeling; thus giving you more experiences to work with and a better idea of what it REALLY feels like to have the thing you don’t have.

    @ Fred… that’s been my experience too Fred; that quality and value of blogging activities goes up… keep it up,


    Reply Reply February 2, 2011

    thank you for emailing the link… wow… great write-up.


  • ken from freeTGR

    Reply Reply February 2, 2011

    Hey Steve I was given bad news the weekend that a friend who had cancer passed away a few weeks ago. This is a sad feeling of course I felt which affected me in my snooker on monday in which I lost 3 – 0 . I just knew I had to turn my feeling around to get good results so yesterday I FOCUSED and felt better then results followed in me making a sale.Next week when I play snooker I will have good feelings which will inprove my game which I know from my past have worked.

  • David Marshall

    Reply Reply February 2, 2011


    While reading through your article a thought came to my mind . What about those realities that manifest in our lives which we do not want . My uncle was very close to me , this week he passed away at age 74 following a cardia failure.

    Am I responsible for his death in some way or other ? Was it negative feelings within me that I am not aware of .



  • Fred Tracy

    Reply Reply February 2, 2011

    This is just my advice David. Some people believe in objective reality, where your thoughts do nothing. Some believe in subjective reality, where your thoughts are everything.

    I believe in both. You can help manifest good things in your life, but it’s an “objective fact” that all people die eventually.. not your fault man.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 2, 2011

    Fred brings up an important point David…

    …regardless of the stance you take (that you are living in an objective world where you have no affect on your reality or you live in a subjective world where you create your reality in every moment)… you must realize that the meaning is the message… again subjective reality rules apply… Do I think you are responsible for your Uncle’s death? No. Do I think his passing was meant to help you learn and grow in some way? Yes.

    Choose the empowering message and look for opportunities to grow.

  • David Marshall

    Reply Reply February 2, 2011

    Fred and Steve,

    Thanks a lot for providing such invaluable insight


  • Stephen Mavely

    Reply Reply February 3, 2011


    A number of times I have observed that I draw into my experience the exact oppostite of what I desire. It could be something as minor as desiring to catch the first rush hour train & missing it by 5 mins or something as major as desiring a grade A ( in a mathematics paper)and getting a C+ ( Infact, feeling miserable even as I am writing this).

    If our Brain creates our reaity , as you have stated in your article why is my brain unable to do the same for me .

    Best Regards,

    Stephen J Mavely

  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 3, 2011

    Hey Stephen… you bring up a great example.

    If you still need to reach the feelings of getting the thing you want {i.e. desiring to catch the train implies you haven’t caught it yet!}… then of course your feelings are 100% accurate in creating your reality.

    Instead of desiring to catch the train or trying to catch the train, “get-into” the feeling of already having caught the train {before you actual catch it}… and see what happens ;)

  • Bill Kryder

    Reply Reply February 3, 2011

    Steve – I have a friend who constantly reminds people that “Thoughts are Things”.

    Good or Bad it doesn’t matter, but whatever you think about becomes a realty.

  • Stephen Mavely

    Reply Reply February 4, 2011


    Many Thanks

  • Christian S West

    Reply Reply February 4, 2011

    Hi Steve,

    Is it possible that we can go for extended period of time without any feelings ( good or bad). I face this on a number of occassions, when I am neither feeling good or bad. I try to reach for a “good feeling” thought but nothing happens, I still feel the same, neither good nor bad.



  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 5, 2011

    Absolutely Chris! Any experience is possible, it’s entirely up to you; what experience do you want to have? How do you want to feel?

  • Sophia Bellucci

    Reply Reply February 6, 2011

    Hi Steve,

    In my personal experience, my brain is creating negative thoughts all the time . I try to think about some good thoughts but those thoughts do not help me to vibrate positively.

    I am 32 now , so is it because of age that my brain is unable to help me feel the positive thoughts ?


  • Bill Kryder

    Reply Reply February 6, 2011

    You gotta put good thoughts in! Check out Jack Canfield’s SUCCESS PRINCIPLES and the section on affirmations. All your goal statements need to be in having acheived – like you have arrived and are looking back. POSIITIVE – POSITIVE – POSITIVE. Andy Andrews and THE SEVEN DECISIONS series is also another great resource. The process is never easy – but does get easier every day!

  • Jim

    Reply Reply February 7, 2011

    Hi steve,

    I have the same problems of Christian!
    Sometimes I don’t feel neither good or bad and that’s disappointing because positive thoughts without feelings don’t have the power to attract or create anything in my life! and I don’t know what I can do to change this !



  • Suo Mynona

    Reply Reply February 7, 2011


    What you need to do is to align your vibrational frequency to be in the positive.

    It’s not enough to just expect thoughts to feel either good or bad. You need to choose what vibration to associate with a thought, and step into the vibration. This is obviously easier said than done.

    When you have a thought that feels neither good nor bad, ask yourself “What is the highest level of vibration I can feel right now?”. In my experience, simply asking the question will raise your positivity of your thought by a minimum of 15%. With practice, you can raise it by 50-75%.

    After several months of practice, you can eventually train yourself to turn a neutral thought into a positive one.

  • Sophia Bellucci

    Reply Reply February 7, 2011

    Thanks Bill.

    I sure will try . Getting the right feeling has always been difficult for me and desire without feelings won’t help. People here in Milan tell me that after 30 things happen slowly.


  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 7, 2011

    Hey Sophia…

    What you said about… “People here in Milan tell me that after 30 things happen slowly.”

    That’s a belief too! Choose the good ones,

  • Alice Hive

    Reply Reply February 8, 2011

    Hey Jim,

    have you tried using visualisation in order to attach emotions to your desire? If you imagine your intentions have come true, how would you feel? Imagine how your intentions come true in as much detail as you can. Feel how you are going to feel when they’ve come true! Then try to maintain this positive and fulfilling feeling as long as possible.

    Too maintain your positive vibe, you can make a habit out of it: Visualize every day for 10 or 15 minutes. The longer you practice the easier it will become and the more you’ll be able to shift your overall vibe.


  • Jim

    Reply Reply February 8, 2011

    Alice and Suo,

    Thank you !!

  • Gary & Val

    Reply Reply February 9, 2011

    With everything currently going on in the world right now it’s important to not forget that we all have choices … regardless what happens in the natural or the man made environment in which we all live.

    Those choices are largely within our own control and will be determined by our mindset at the time of decision … bad or low esteem mindsets will always give rise to decisions that perhaps are not the best!

    Get the foundations right and see the difference … mindset is everything :-)

    Gary & Val

  • Katerine

    Reply Reply February 9, 2011

    very good article. I like it very much. while reading it I learnt a lot of new and useful information. Thank you!

  • Esmail

    Reply Reply February 25, 2011

    Hey Steve,
    That was an awesome article. Well, this stuff is true. I had watched the secret when i was 17 years and my first target was to get a car. In exactly 3months, 14 days i had a car, not the car i wanted but an almost a similar one (despite still being in school) And its all about feeling as if you already have, thats it! Nice stuff!!!!!

  • Steve

    Reply Reply February 25, 2011

    You got it Esmail – and at a young age.

    I’m sure you could teach those older souls a thing or two ;)

  • Elizabeth

    Reply Reply October 27, 2011

    I appreciated the feeling -> belief connection. That makes so much sense. I have read a lot of LOA stuff and watched the Secret many times; “thoughts cause your feelings”… but the real paradigm trick seems to be to shift underlying beliefs that sabotage your efforts to attract what you want. You are told to create affirmations and such, or feel great feelings, but if you don’t really believe them, if they seem improbable, you are sending out a negative vibe on them, even as you try to convince yourself of the “truth” of the affirmation or feeling. Those beliefs seem to be key. And you are right, people feel something over and over, they begin to believe it (whether positive or negative; whether actually true or not).

  • Steve

    Reply Reply October 27, 2011

    Yes sirree!!! Glad you gained insight from the article Elizabeth… and it is the beliefs… they are the foundation to creation.

  • Elizabeth

    Reply Reply October 27, 2011

    Today I read another one of your articles, about self-confidence. It is funny in a serendipitous sort of way, because it ended up helping me understand how I can do something about stuck beliefs. In the article, I found helpful clues to shifting beliefs (even really engrained ones) from negative to positive. You said you were not a writer, per se; but that then “something weird happened.” You found a way to experience, even on a small scale, being a writer, by having an article published, and it gave you self-confidence and shifted an old belief (or created a new one altogether)… about your writing abilities. And opened up possibilities for you, even outside of writing itself. So it sounds like if you do what you can to create experiences that will reinforce the beliefs you *wish* you had about yourself, then you will, in fact, get the ball rolling when your manifestation efforts are stuck at the belief level. And it seems like the possibilities can sort of snowball (in a positive way) once it gets rolling, building on itself. This is extremely helpful for me to understand, and this feels do-able — thanks again!

  • Steve

    Reply Reply October 28, 2011

    Well said Elizabeth :)

  • Saurabh Sisodia

    Reply Reply January 10, 2012

    If you focus on working with your subconscious for a little of the time then you will unconsciously program yourself to focus on those aspects of your life all of the time

    this line is very good …

    but here’s a question how to program my subconscious mind in a little period of time for the reality i want…

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