101 Reasons Why You Should Have a Coach

Here are some statistics and reasons why you should look at getting yourself a coach.  I have two coaches – one is good at spotting my blockages and limiting beliefs while the other one is good at keeping me charged up so that I feel heatlhy and in my optimal state of well being – both provide value to my life.  Now coaching isn’t for everyone – especially if would just rather sit on your ass and raise excuses – but if you are interested in real personal growth, in real opportunity and getting real results that will take your life to the next level, here are 101 reasons why you should have a coach:

  1. Get yourself “unstuck”
  2. You want to stop re-hashing “stories” and past dramas
  3. You’re not happy where you are
  4. You feel depressed and in a ball of emotions
  5. You feel that life is a struggle
  6. You have the wrong goals…or;
  7. You don’t know if you have the right goals… or;
  8. You don’t have any goals at all
  9. You want to kick the procrastination habit
  10. You’re tired of the results you’re getting
  11. You have an important decision
  12. You feel that life is pointless
  13. You feel numb with negative emotions
  14. You “cover-up” your deeper feelings by abusing drugs and alcohol
  15. You have trouble asking for help
  16. You struggle to stay focused
  17. You easily get distracted
  18. You self-sabotage your efforts when things are going well
  19. You suspect others have a hidden agenda
  20. You need to feel loved and cared for
  21. You put others needs first while sacrificing your soul
  22. Your being unconsciously directed by TV and Media
  23. You feel tired, stressed and overwhelmed
  24. You walk around on egg-shells with certain people
  25. You’re only seem happy when others are happy
  26. You haven’t achieved your Bigger Goals and Bigger Vision
  27. Coaching gets you to take action
  28. A good coach empowers you
  29. Takes you out of your comfort zone
  30. Gets you through tough and challenging periods
  31. Helps you make positive changes in your life
  32. Assists you to smoothly pave through a “mid-life” crisis
  33. Helps you prioritize important tasks
  34. Helps you identify time wasters and “busy work”
  35. Gives you structure so that you’re more productive
  36. 95% of life coaching sessions take place over the phone
  37. Over 2/3 of the people who use a life coach are women
  38. Coaching is alot of fun :)
  39. You become good friends with your coach
  40. You learn a lot from your coach
  41. You learn a lot about yourself when you have a coach
  42. Coaching gives you access to a more inspiring vision
  43. Supercharges your motivation
  44. Gets you on the right track to achieving your goals
  45. Helps you become clearer on your life purpose
  46. Coaching can be tailored to your specific needs
  47. Transform your self-image and personal identity
  48. Two-thirds of the people who see a coach find they are more self aware
  49. Coaching helps you to be happier and healthier… as well as;
  50. Laugh more and complain less..
  51. Live more fully in the present and
  52. Get into the ‘flow’ of your creativity
  53. Get through a career transition
  54. Gain new confidence and self esteem
  55. Start a new business
  56. Expand your circle of influence
  57. Tap into “intuitive” hunches
  58. Become a better innovator and entrepreneur
  59. Become a leader in your field
  60. Feel inspired and fearless
  61. Resolve a conflict with a co-worker
  62. Resolve “past hurts” with friends and family
  63. Create deeper and more fulfilling relationships
  64. Coaching helps you overcome your fears
  65. And make a bigger difference so that you…
  66. Become the CEO of your life
  67. Earn more money
  68. and save more money
  69. The International Coach Federation reported that individuals experience the following outcomes as a result of working with a coach… increased self-awareness 67%
  70. … lower stress levels 57%
  71. … setting better goals 62%
  72. … increased self-discovery 53%
  73. … more balanced life 60%
  74. … increased self-confidence 52%
  75. Other reasons you want a coach… you want to make a postive change
  76. You’re in sales and want more sales
  77. You’re in business and want more business
  78. You’re in marketing and want to be more creative in your marketing efforts
  79. You’re a consultant and you want more customers
  80. You’re a coach and you want more clients
  81. You’re a speaker and you want more speaking gigs
  82. You’re an internet marketer and you want more traffic to your blog/website
  83. You’re an aspiring entrepreneur and would like to leave your job
  84. You want a better paying job
  85. Another reason why you should have a coach is because… you know you have potential and you’re not using it…
  86. You don’t speak up for yourself  when the time “feels” right
  87. You’re looking for a new career
  88. You want to release limiting beliefs
  89. You want more coincidences and good luck to show up
  90. You want to tap into your natural creativity and charisma
  91. You want to feel worthy of money
  92. You want to earn more passive income
  93. You want to command respect and appreciation from others of authority
  94. You want to this year to be your best year yet
  95. You long for true freedom
  96. And 6 more reasons why you should have a coach are… you feel spiritually connected to a higher power…
  97. You want something better
  98. You read personal growth books
  99. You listen to personal growth audios and CD’s
  100. You’re on this blog
  101. And you read this entire list :)

You may also enjoy: 3 Tips to Find a Great Coach


  • Micky

    Reply Reply January 12, 2011

    Good post! Any tips for finding a good coach??

  • Fred Tracy

    Reply Reply January 12, 2011

    Sounds pretty good. I’ve heard that pretty much everyone above a certain level in corporations have a personal coach. It must be working for some of them!

  • Steve

    Reply Reply January 12, 2011

    @ Micky… Hey Micky, that’s a good question… maybe that would be a good complimentary post :)

    @ Fred: it’s interesting, coaching has really come a long way and it’s now integrated into the philosophy and structure of many corporations… it’s almost to the point where it has become accepted (and almost necessary) for CEO’s…

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