How to Create Your Life Intentionally by Quietening the Mind – with Susan James

Quietening the mind call with Susan James. I’ve easily spent up to $30,000 on personal growth in the past 4 years. In all the training I’ve done, I have never come across something as elegant and effective as the self discovery techniques taught by Susan James.

On this call with Susan, you’ll learn:

  • how to create your life intentionally and quiet your mind
  • how limiting beliefs affect your reality
  • the 3 forces that govern the Universe

…among many other ideas about you and the Universe including… the degree to which you live in your head is the degree to which you suffer.

Download MP3 [31.4 MB] Right click “save-as”

Grab a coffee or a tea.. this in depth call is 67 minutes.

Here is Susan’s contact information:

Susan James
Phone: 954-873-0144
Email: Su***@se*********************.com


  • Joe Tucker

    Reply Reply December 29, 2010

    Hey Steve,

    It’s Joe from last nights call!

    I just wanted to thank you so much for providing all of the information that you do for free. It’s really valuable. You’re young, smart, successful and you have a great charismatic way of doing things. I wish you every happiness. I also had to send you this to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to Susan James. I called her last night after the interview and we talked for over an hour and it was life changing. I have never met anyone like her and I plan on using the information she gave me to the utmost. I couldn’t let myself go without thanking you.

    Have every joy,


  • Stan

    Reply Reply December 30, 2010

    Hi Steve, I have a question and I don’t know where to ask it..maybe you have done a post on this and I just don’t know.

    I have generalized anxiety and rare panic attacks, they are generated from my negative what if thinking. I do a lot of CBT as well psychodynamic therapy and I also realized that a change in attitude is VERY important and it gives me confidence. I exercise and I am trying to bring in a healthy diet and sleep patterns.

    I figured out that if i were to eliminate all of my what if thoughts, i could eliminate 95% stress with it. You have techniques to eliminate negative thoughts can they be applied to “fortune telling” thoughts.

    One more question. I have done many “self growing” things and have had many positive experiences. When I think about them I feel good emotions flowing through me. Sometimes I can snap into a really good “I can do it !!” confidence mood and everything seems “doable” not great, but atleast I feel like i’m moving forward and motivated. Here is the problem, I can’t seem to keep this mood for too long. Question, is there a way to hold on to these moods and “expand” them, grow them like a plant. So that they are always present and eventually outweigh the negative moods. I know it’s a journey, but I can’t seem to hold on to my “really good” feelings.

    Hopefully this isn’t asking too much,

    • Asad Rashid

      Reply Reply February 12, 2018

      Hello stan,

      “Question, is there a way to hold on to these moods and “expand” them, grow them like a plant. So that they are always present and eventually outweigh the negative moods. I know it’s a journey, but I can’t seem to hold on to my “really good” feelings.”

      I am not in a Position to suggest anyone , but something has worked for me. Here is a formula.

      When you are doing something for yourself, it gives you joy and Energy ,What Exactly happens is , When you do an action, It generates a reaction, A reaction can be a strong feeling on Joy , Happiness or pain. that feeling is your high wave , you have to understand deep inside you that what is that makes you High in your Positive Energy , Makes notes , write it down to the piece of paper and keep a notepad and a pen( Not a Cell Phone) always with you. this will let you write down every good thought that cross your head, When you have a moment of joy , think backward , What did you do that made you positive and what was the action , did you help someone that made you happy , did you work out in gym that made your day go well, did you listen to a good Music , that’s a key for your solution. you need to hold that thing Tight, What basically is happening with you is that you are trying to exit from a state of mind and trying to enter a new state which you like, but you loose your focus , or you get distracted , for example , you open your laptop and start watching youtube or surf social media. Social media is the number 1 reason of Anxiety , stop watching Instagram or twitter or face book . you think it helps you feel better ,but in fact it is adding no good for you. I have stayed away from these and I have felt so great. Try reading on Quora Digest , so much great stuff is on that website. Genius people are sitting to help you there. Make a Routine, Create a habit that what you basically need.
      if you want to reach out to me , your are most welcome as well.


  • Steve

    Reply Reply December 31, 2010

    Hi Joe,

    I very much appreciate your feedback Joe. I’m glad you gained insight from the information we shared and from speaking with Susan James – she is a real gem!

    Susan mentioned that you are only 17! That really blew me away and inspired me… I’m so happy to hear someone at such a young age is seeking to make changes in their life. Many of the people I work with are already in their 50’s… you are fortunate to say the least :-)


  • Steve

    Reply Reply December 31, 2010

    Hey Stan,

    Your ‘what if’ thinking stems from the limiting beliefs planted in your subconscious mind. They may not have been put there by you, but regardless if they were or not you can change them. The only way to rewire those limiting beliefs and get clear of them is to reprogram your subconscious. Do that here: Rewrite Beliefs

  • Fred Tracy

    Reply Reply January 6, 2011

    Steve, I found this site from the stevepavlina forums and I’ve got to say it’s great. I’ll be checking out your other articles and subscribing to the newsletter. Thanks man. :)

  • Steve

    Reply Reply January 6, 2011

    Cheers Fred – glad to have you along for the ride :)

  • Highly energetic blog, Ӏ enjoyed that a lot.
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  • Jigna Tanna

    Reply Reply March 23, 2015


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