You’ve got to realize that out of all the possibilities – out of all the possible plans – out of all the things you could be doing right now in this lifetime – out of all the times you could have lived or would like to live – you choose this life and you choose to live it now.
It was no accident.
You’re here to do something, to share something, to express something and be something that makes the world a better place.
There is only one of you and you’re the only here to do bring this to the world – that’s what is so great about you.
I want to help you do it. I just came out with a new product and you’re the first one to grab it for this rock bottom introductory price… click here.
We all have choices and we all have the things that we want. But what about living the rich life? What about living a life full of riches? Not just material wealth… but creating a life of real fulfillment and meaning… and knowing that YOU made a real difference while you were here.
How much is that worth to you?
If you’re experiencing a lot of frustration like I was not so many years ago, this will help.
May 22, 2012I am thinking to buy your “Purpose Driven Life: Discover Your Deeper Intention”
The product date is: 20 Sep-2010
Is this the latest one?
Early reply will be appreciated
May 22, 2012Hey Sandip… yes – the link goes to the latest product signup page.
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