How Do You Achieve Your Goals When You Don’t Know What’s Next

One the biggest obstacles to achieving the change you seek is that you have a really good idea what you want – BUT you don’t know what to do next. So you do you achieve your goals?  It’s all in my video.  You’ll love it.

Check it out:


Remember, focus on the feeling… that feeling of feeling awesome about attracting new clients… that feeling of putting in 100% in everything you do, that feeling of being the best you can be, that feeling that everything is going to be ok… Spend about 15 minutes generating those feelings and then ask yourself:

What do I need to do OR where do I need to go?  Then take action!


  • Marian Kerr

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    How true – it is the feelings you are seeking from achieving your goals that are important to remember. Those feelings are part of what motivates you to do the work necessary to make your dreams come true.

    Funnily enough I’ve jsut written a post on this exact topic :)

  • Mark

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    Hi Steve,

    Again a great video.
    I’m gonna try it out and see what i can come up with.
    Well i had and ask myself that many times already because with the goals i wanna achieve i am really stuck.
    Dont know what else i can do towards my goals.
    And i wonder whether its my consious mind saying something or my subconsciouness.
    ( sorry for my maybe bad English)

    Far as i know i have all the possible things for my goal, what i can do now, but to go much further i also need the fanancies for it to do so.
    And that involves immigration to another country.
    If people would see me and what i did they say im crazy and lock me up in a insane home for what i did already:-)


  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    Hey Mark…. nine times out of ten, it’s the subconscious blocks that hold us back…. I constantly get these blocks (and I think we all do) if we’re up to something.

  • Steve

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    Hey Marian – I see you’re a coach!

    I hope you’ve joined our Blogging for Coaches Newsletter as we have some awesome video training for coaches who want to earn money blogging.

  • Mark

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    Hi Steve,

    And now its the Huge time to release those blocks…. but how:-)
    It is the highest time for me ( and anyone else) to really achieve and live my dreams!


  • Marian Kerr

    Reply Reply August 27, 2010

    Hi Steve – yip – I’m a memeber – one of the most helpful and informative sites on Linkedin. I was actually talking to another coach on the other side of the world last night who I met on the group.

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