6 Affirmations to Manifest a Millionaire Mind

To change your money blue print you have to change the way you think — about money. There are a lot of ways to do this, one of which involves attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive. Another effective method is to use affirmations – a statement or sentence that you repeat to yourself… over and over and over again.

Once you find an affirmation that resonates with you, stick to it and keep using it. Use it over and over again. Not only will you start to change the way you think about money, you’ll also have fun :)

Here are 6 of my favorite affirmations to develop a millionaire mind:

  1. I love money and money loves me.
  2. I have a millionaire mind.
  3. Money always comes to me in increasing quantities.
  4. I am quickly, easily and effortlessly earning $ ____/year. (pick a big number)
  5. I’m a magnet to money.
  6. I provide massive value in exchange for massive money.

I’ll be off this week attending The Guerilla Business School (GBS) in Los Angeles. This course is offered by Peak Potentials and is available to you when you sign up for the Millionaire Mind Intensive. I talked to one graduate who said that the GBS is like completing your MBA in 4.5 days! I can’t wait.

Download More Money Now.


  • Kuldeep

    Reply Reply July 23, 2009

    How to Use Affirmations & Creative Mind to Increase Sales in LARGE Number in Online Business???

  • thomas

    Reply Reply June 26, 2014

    I really need to develop this mindset right now in my life to start attracting more money, and it’s like now or never for me, thanks.

    Keep u the good work too.

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